Windows xp takes time to shut down (true fact) and really, it is good to improve this speed. It is quite remarkable in what you can use the windows registry for.
This trick reduces the time windows XP waits before it automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.
Click on “Start” icon then go to “Run” and type “Regedit” in the provided box and tap enter or click ok.
It will take you to your registry panel, here locate the: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\” and select ‘WaitToKillAppTimeout’
Right click and select “Modify” Change the value to ‘1000’ Click ‘OK’
Now select “HungAppTimeout” Right click and select “Modify” Change the value to ‘1000’ Click ‘OK’
Now find “HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT \Control Panel\Desktop” Select “WaitToKillAppTimeout” Right click and select “Modify”’ Change the value to ‘1000’ Click ‘OK’
Now find “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\CurrentControlSet\Control \” Select “WaitToKillServiceTimeout” Right click and select “Modify” Change the value to ‘1000’ Click ‘OK’
Restart your pc and watch the effect take place anytime you turn off your pc.
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thanks Baba for this tutorial. But i have tried the steps given on my Windows7 and ‘wait to kill’ is not there.
Hello Wisdom,
This process works on windows 7 but haven’t tested it on windows 7 and windows 8