People who read your blog have to be reminded to subscribe to your feed and even if you remind them, where is the “subscribe by email” form? If you put it in your side widget, not all will see it, right? Subscribe by email form is very important to have in your blog; it increases traffic by informing your readers who’ve subscribe to your feed that you have a fresh content for them.
What about does like myself who uses mobilepress theme? That means I won’t get my mobile readers to subscribe to my feed? Nothing is impossible so in a short while we are going to implement subscribe by email form in our post for both pc and mobile users so you won’t have to lose those precious readers. Let’s keep reading.
You can actually show a “subscribe by email” form at the end of each posts of your wordpress blog; don’t worry, it will show up on your mobile theme too.
Why are we putting a “subscribe by email” form at the end of our blog post? Doing this will attract more readers and increases your reader’s database.
So how do we do this? We will use feedburner and a special pluggin called “post layout”.
Post layout plugins allows you to put any html, php coding to your blog contents without you editing your blogs header or footer.
You can download the plugin here POST LAYOUT PLUGIN
Download the plugin and install it, after the installation, think of where you’d like the “subscribe by email” form to be. If you want it to be at the top of your posts then paste the code at the top and if you want it to be at the bottom of your post, then paste it at the bottom space provided.
The plugin makes everything looks easy right? Go put your “subscribe by email” form below or above your post today and know your faithful readers.
You can still read “HOW I ADD “SUBSCRIBE BY EMAIL” AT MY WORDPRESS SIDE WIDGET” to learn more about feedburner.
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BabaNature this is a nice tutorial…cuz i can swear i have tried doing diz many tym bt i coudnt…..anyhw shaa..tankz but can you drop the html code to insert ?