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Your blog is great, content are nice and traffic is flowing but if you can’t trap those people coming to your site for a longer time, you’ll be causing more harm to your site (true fact).

Everyday bloggers, researcher, webmasters search for more and better ways to keep readers engage and stay longer. What have you been doing? We try as much to avoid the killer virus called bounce. Read more about Bounce Rate here and How to reduce it.

There are some wordpress plugins that can truly boost your reader’s engagement by making them stay longer. By staying longer, it will keep your site healthier and more search engine friendly.



The below plugins is being used by many bloggers and had been satisfy to boost reader’s engagement. So let’s know what each of this plugins do, shall we?

√ N’related post plugin: This plugin increases your readers’ engagement with your posts by adding post that are related in the footer of your content. You can customize it to match your taste and blog style.

This plugin is been used by many bloggers and has been proven helpful and effective in blog engagement.

√ Comment Luvs Plugin: What better way to reward your commentators than showing them love! This plugin visits the sites of the comment author and retrieve the last post and include it at the bottom of their comment when they submit.

The plugin is been used by many bloggers and it has been found to increase reader’s and comment engagement.

√ SimpleReach Slide Plugin: This plugin increases your readers’ engagement with your post by showing slide recommended related posts from within your site.

It increases the sharing of your post on twitter and facebook via the social button at the post bottom. It also been proven that it increased pageviews and time on site.

What better way to engage your reader than putting this wonderful plugin.

√ Replyme Plugin: This plugin sends email automatically while some one replies his comment. With this plugin, you can increase your comment engage by making your commenter coming back after replying. How awesome is that?

This plugin hasn’t been touched in a while, so you’ll have to do some adjustment when using it.

√ Facebook Plugin: This plugin associates with your site to give you free facebook application identifier to enable advanced features.

This is a all in one plugin that has so many features that can boost your viewers engagements. Some of its features are:

→ Add like, send and subscribe button

→ Facebook comment box

→ Recommendations bar and box

And many more…

√ Wp-external links: This plugin opens external links in your post to a new tab or window in the process, keep your readers engage with your content and not get distracted by other sites.

Now what does this plugin actually do? It adds a No follow and external to all re-attribute and it even does many other stuffs.

√ Thank me letter plugin: This plugin automatically sends email to readers that leaves comment at your blog by telling them thank you and prompting them to further engage with your blog.

This pluign is been use by thousands of bloggers and it has been proven a very useful and can truly engage readers.

√ Subscribe to comment plugin: At time when a reader comes to your blog they’ll read and go and never come back, not because your blog is not interesting but because they’ve forgotten the address or they forgot where they got the information from or… and some will come love the post leave a comment then they’ll never come back.

This is where subscribe to comment comes to play; with this plugin, your reader can always come back to your blog but “only if he/ she choose to” and engaging them to much more activities.

√ Wp-Pagenavi: This plugin replaces the default old post navigation by putting sweeter and numbered post navigation to make your readers easily navigate through your blog.

This plugin have proven itself to make readers stay longer and easily finds your content.


It like I am missing some plugins here… now if you have any other plugin that can build user engagement then do share with us using the comment box below. Do you have any comments or thoughts you would like to share? Also use the comment box below. Remember that your comments are very useful and welcomed here.

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  1. A very nice list babanature… i would like to addup one more. subscribe to post plugin is also great for building reader’s engagement. thanks

  2. Cool reading Babanature, I think that’s one of the most enjoying things about plugins, they are great fun to try and experiment with.

  3. Thank you very much for sharing this information. This posting is really useful for me. I agree that there are a lot of plugs in we can make use of to help our blogs to go to the next level. But of course we can not use all of them in our blogs, we must choose the suitable ones like you mention above. Thank you again for this.

    1. Hello Heru,
      if you’re using a shared hosting, too much plugins will only suck up your cpu usage. that’s why it’s good to use only plugins that are important to you. Thanks for the comment and hope you’ll stop by some other time.

  4. Honestly Babanature, my most favorite plug-in for helping readers stick around more is the CommentLuv Premium plug-in. My second favorite is the ReplyMe but now that Andy has incorporated that into his plug-in we don’t need that extra one.

    That definitely helps your readers coming back for more. That is if you have made your content interesting enough and continue to ask them questions. Most of the time they’ll want to come back by and answer what you’ve asked. I love that plug-in, it’s a must have for every blogger.

    I can’t think of any others then these mentioned here. Great list I’ll definitely agree.


    1. Hello Adrienne,
      right! since the day i added the commentluv plugin to my blog, my blog has truly change (comment wise), Now i receive comments more than usual. Those two pluggins are plugin every blogger should have. Glad you find the list interesting and thanks for the comment.

  5. I have been using the free version of Commentluv for sometime on my personal blog and I like it very much. But I am still on the edge when it comes to deciding on the comment love premium version. I know the price is not huge… Maybe someday I might decide to go for it.

    1. Hello Justin,
      yeah! the free version of commentluv is great but the premium have features way beyond the free but still free is still enough as long as you add it up with other plugins from the above list. Thanks for the comment

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