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The New Blogger Blog HTML Editor

Hey guys! I must confess that Google is doing some pretty good job with their advancement. They have rolled out some quit great stuffs this past few months and which most of us bloggers find interesting, loved and welcomed with warmth hands. To mention some of the cool features that Google rolled out are; Google authorship, Google+ comment box, real time traffic report, hangout, community and so many other cool features and more awesome and even greater features are coming up in the near future…

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It’s been some weeks since I’ve checked my blogger blog HTML editor dashboard, the reason? Because I have not been editing codes and widgets on blogger blog for quite some time now and creating new codes just feels tiring because of the simplicity wordpress developers gave their users.


Some days back, a friend asked me to create a blogger blog template for him which I did. Now I have finished with the template design and went to my blogger blog → created a new blog for testing → went to my HTML editor and find out that it is not the way it were some days back I checked, the whole world of my blogger Editor just look like a new world to me 🙂 . To tell you the truth, it was a bit confusing because to be honest, I haven’t seen or heard about this feature and I’ll say that one of the other reasons why I haven’t heard about this is because, most of my blogger friends are on wordpress platform.

After analyzing the new HTML editor and the nice features they added, I discovered that it is even simpler but yet advanced compared to the previous versions.

Here are some few reasons why I love and prefer the new blogger blog HTML editor:

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They made the new design even simpler for a none-techie to implement codes and widgets. Google blogger team made the code editor that simple that all codes are categorized in sections, like you can edit the widget codes without any long search process or even pressing the ctrl+f search key. You can edit your HTML 1, 2, 3, header, footer and many more HTML edits by clicking “Jump to widget”. [See Shot Below]


Tell me what else could you possibly ask for? You can even have a live preview exactly at the same time as editing your HTML codes to know how it looks. No stress and no hassle but with your brain you can achieve a lot with this 😀 . [See Shot Below]


If you don’t like what you’ve edited so far or you have some simple problems that you’re facing with your codes that you implement, you can simply revert the whole process by clicking “Revert widget templates to normal” or you can as well click the “Revert changes” to return all changes to default.

The new HTML editor really did make blogger edit simple for both experts and non-techie kind and top the matter, it’s even well organized. Thumbs up to the blogger teams for this great master piece, they really are working and I respect that.

Now over to you guys:

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I know most of you who read my blog don’t have a blogger blog but let’s make the place more lively by answering this question; how do you see the new features the Google team are rolling out? your answer and contributions are most appreciated and welcomed.

If you are using the blogger blog platform, how do you see the HTML editor? Is it that simple or too difficult? Your lovely discussion will be wonderfully welcomed using the comment box below.

Are you finding the new editor difficult or do you wanna make a comment? Please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments and thoughts are highly welcomed and appreciated.

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33 thoughts on “The New Blogger Blog HTML Editor”

  1. Hi Babanature,

    Your post reminded me of the old days, as I had Blogger blogs two years before. I think I had them for one year before I shifted to WordPress. Recently, I happened to go to the Blogger dashboard and admin to make some changes on my portfolio blog there – and I was zapped by the mere appearance of the dashboard. Everything looked so different, modern, and better. At first glance, I really thought that it’s becoming more WordPress like!

    Anyways, I never ever had a problem with blogger coding and html editor, and it hardly makes a difference because it was my hubby who handled the code there. But it’s nice to see good positive changes at Blogger, and if you’re praising it, then it must be really good.

    Thanks for this informative post. Happy weekend 🙂

    1. Hello Harleena,
      Your hubby must really be a techie guy. i would say that blogger is truly trying to imitate or trying to be more better then wordpress. The only little thing i’ll say makes wordpress the best, is the plugins. wordpress have enough plugin while blogger has limited widget.
      Thanks for the contribution and do have a wonderful weekend Harleena 😀

  2. Hello Babanature,
    I visited Blogger a long ago. Saw it’s HTML editor just now. It’s simply great. It looks similar to Advanced Code Editor in WordPress.

    It will be helpful for Web Designers. And Have a great Weekend!

    1. Hello Sriram,
      Yes! It truly resembles the advance feature of wordpress but with a slight difference to it. Thanks for the comment and do have a great weekend bro

  3. Hi Babanature,

    I run 2 blogger and 1 wordpress blog and dig the new features, although at first I was a bit confused at the template editing interface.

    Blogger does a much better job of consolidating the code; you just need to click the little arrow to expand the code and make your edits, and as you noted about you can also jump into certain widgets.

    I like the new changes, smart stuff.

    Thanks for sharing buddy!


    1. Hello Ryan,
      Indeed blogger did some great advancement to their platform which i am finding interesting and can’t get enough off it 😀 So glad you too are finding interesting. thanks for the comment my friend 🙂

  4. Hello Babanature,
    Awesome Article,
    I’m On Blogger for More Than 2 Years!
    And Loved it Updates but I Think This Update (New Html Editor) is very Awful.
    Thanks for Article 🙂

    1. Hello Yogesh,
      Wow!!! The experience must be a bad one for you. But to me, i feel it is much more easier then the previous version. I know with time you’ll grow to like it as much. thanks for your thoughts on the new update 😀

    1. Hello Jordan,
      Good to know that you have once used blogger blog. almost all bloggers passed that stage. I am still using blogger platform for my niche sites and i must say that they are truly trying to make blogger more great and more fun to be. Thanks for your contribution Jordan and have a blessed weekend 🙂

    1. Hello Daniel,
      I feel blogger is also doing well for them selves if i must say. I use blogger platform for my niche sites because i am still a adsense earner. Nice to hear that you are once with blogger. do have a wonderful weekend Daniel

  5. hi babanature. your post reminds me of my early blogger days ( or the blogspot days) when i do not have yet a credit card to purchase hosting. however i did not bother to update my first blog because i shifted to wordpress because it is more flexible.. besides my first blog is a blogspot without hosting..

    i hope blogger would someday offer the same flexibility that wordpress offers such as plugins to change fonts, improve security and many more 🙂

    anyway i found your post in CommentDX. i am one of the new members of group

    1. Hello Marilyn,
      I also hope that blogger will be more flexible as wordpress. Blogger just needs to hire some more developers to help make more widgets and it will be awesome to if they have like a website where bloggers can choose these widgets from. Thanks for stopping by and dropping such thoughtful comment. Do have a jolly weekend 🙂

  6. It has been quite long I used Blogger. In the mean time I found that blogger now is much improved and a tempting platform now.

    What I always liked among its features is the custom domain names. Google lets you use your own domain name to use with Blogger blog for free! I wish if too allowed it.

    1. Hello Suresh,
      Yeah! blogger blog gives you the chance to add a custom domain name and they even give you options to make your blog unique. they even allow blogger users to rank higher in Google search engine. And that is really cool… Thanks for stopping by and dropping your wonderful comments. do have a nice weekend bro 😀

  7. Hey Bro,
    Recently i too got surprised with Google since i have some blogs with blogspot use to update 2 weeks once and normally use to keep changing the theme to make it more professional while crossing editor found advanced features stuck little and later found some source to done my changes but still have some confusion but rather i prefer wordpress its my best platform

    1. Hello Shameem,
      Wordpress is way more flexible compared to blogger blog. right now blogger blog is trying to advance their game to a whole new level and i am loving their new features rolling out. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Hello Mubashir,
      Yes! most of us bloggers started with blogger blog and as time roll, we moved to wordpress. But if you are that kind that is building niche sites, i’d also advice to consider blogger because it is free and has all the advantages any self hosted has. The only thing that frightens people is “what if they delete my blog”? If your blog is clean, nobody will delete you period. Thanks for your input on my weekend post 😀

  8. Thanks for this tips, this new blogger interface is something else. at least you have made everything clear and easy to get started with.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Hello Donatus,
      Do you have a blog with blogger blog? I’d say that they are doing some pretty good job and i am loving every moment with them 😛 . Thanks for the comment bro
      P.S. You should go get your self a gravatar enabled email or it’ll be difficult for other bloggers to accept your post.

  9. Hi Babanature,
    Yes, Google has made many changes which you have listed. Template Editing or Customization of templates is becoming so hard for blogger I don’t understand y Google has introduced this Features But i think i need to work on it to get habituated to it 🙂 Thanks for sharing !! 🙂

    1. Hello Srikanth,
      I feel that Google changed the html editor so that, it will be more easy for all kinds of bloggers. I know with time that blogger users will come to appriciate this new and cool feature. Thanks for the comment my friend

  10. The new innovations by Google is a strong indication of their commitment to providing the best platform for blogging. Last time it was mobile version of blogspot something they have ignored for a very long time, and now the Google+ comment and new HTML editor which has made editing blogger templates very easy. This is indeed welcome. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Blogger has indeed developed. There is one uniqueness about them which is of the fact that it can’t be hacked.

  12. Hi,

    I just noticed the change, too. But when I open the “Edit HTML” part, all I see is a big grey rectangle with the menu options above (Save template, jump to widget, etc). All my plugins are up to date. Did I disable something somewhere?

    Thank you!

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