Blogging this days is becoming flooded with lots of people thereby the competition increases, blogging is now tag “survival of the fittest”.
I’ve made researches on reasons why many new bloggers don’t last long and just shut down their blogs, and i found out some cool reasons why they seem to shrink back. Blogging is a cool platform of making money but it take perseverance and patience.
Top Five Reasons Why You Won’t Last Long In your Blogging Career
Now, below are my top 5 reasons i am sure you would agree with me on…
You Want Fast Money
It isn’t wise going into a business that won’t yield you money, but you need to be patient. When you hear testimonies of pro blogger making huge amount of money from their blogs, you seem to think that blogging is a kind of bed of roses.
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You need to know that blogging isn’t a bed of roses, you want the money to start coming immediately but when it fails to come you shut down your blog, you can’t just start a business today and expect profit immediately.
Tip: Try being patient and just write your voice, make blogging your passion and with time the money will start trooping in.
You Are Not Social
When I say you are not social I guess you’ll start thinking how being social can affect your blogging career, but I must tell you being social goes a long way in keeping your passion for blogging going, mingling with other bloggers can as well help you, you’ll be able to know what’s new.
I must confess bloggers are one great people I’ve come across, their generosity isn’t comparable so mingling with co-bloggers would surely help build your blog.
Tip: Join blogging communities, try commenting on other blogs, also add pro bloggers on social networks like Facebook etc.
You Are In The Wrong Niche
You might have seen the earning of some pro bloggers and you just jump into their niche, whereby you have no idea of what you are writing about. This will sure lead you to plagiarism, because since you have no knowledge of what you are writing about, you’ll not be able to create unique contents. Thereby you can’t rank on any keyword.
Tip: choose a niche that you love writing about, blog for passion and the money will come
You Don’t Have A Mentor
I must tell you, any blogger who doesn’t have a mentor won’t go far. Just try to remove pride and be humble, get someone to be your master.
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There are things your mentor has taken years to learn but by the time you ask him/ her within hours you’ll be an expert on it. Your mentor is always watching you, he won’t let you do anything the wrong way because he’s already experienced.
Tip: Look for a top blogs in your niche which you love, follow his/ her every new move and innovations.
You Are Lazy
I won’t write this whole article without letting you admitting that you are lazy. Yes you really are lazy, were you surprised seeing this?
Well quitting blogging because you aren’t making any money from it is due to the fact that you are lazy to write posts. If you were not lazy i guessed you would have worked towards making money from your blog, like i said earlier, blogging isn’t a bed of roses, you need hard work, and I must confess, hard work pays.
Tip: Perseverance! Perseverance!! Perseverance!!!
My Final Word To You
No matter how difficult it is patience and perseverance will always see you through the difficulties.
Note: Hard work pays.
Over To You
Frank have indeed say so much about so much on this post. Now let’s give the keyboard to you guys 🙂
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That’s true bro, at first I was about to give up but have come a long way to down. I don’t have a menthor, but I always try and encourage my self so I won’t back down and now am still on blogging. But tho have not yet been approve by google adsense, maybe it’s not yet time. But thank God am still doing my thing and my blog is coming up.
Hi Itechyard, your story is quite encouraging, you’ll get there bro, thanks for stopping by.
Hi Larry and Babanature,
You are absolutely right in the reasons why some blogging won’t last long if they carry on the way they do, just as you mentioned.
Blogging for money is alright, but if that is your only aim to blog, you are never going to succeed. You need to be patient and concentrate on writing good content that helps others, build your blog community and remain consistent. The rest falls into place, with time of course.
I’ve never really had any mentor, so I can’t comment about that, but experience is a big teacher I would say and so are all the other blogs we keep visiting and commenting on them after reading the posts. That’s how I learnt about blogging, being from a totally different profession on a writer, so it’s how determined you are to learn that matters more. Building relationships with fellow bloggers is another important point if you want to last long 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead, both of you 🙂
Hi Harleena,
Of course been determined really is a nice step, talking of being determined i see you as one of those bloggers who are determined, I guess it’s your determination that has brought this far.
I’m glad you could bring some time of yours to read this, thanks for stopping by.
Hi Larry Frank, that’s a nice one. I’ve seen my blogs abandoned due to the reasons you stated above (of which I’m being victimized by social and laziness). I wouldn’t dispute with you concerning being lazy and social. I PAUSED my blog (going close to 3 months now) when I saw my second semester result (since I don’t create the blog to generate income, so why should I suffer on both ends? I have to prioritize!) However, during those times, I’ve learnt how to cope with the issues….spending a lot of time on the internet (except for educational purposes) is what I’m strictly avoiding but I think I found a way of posting to many groups on fb at once (and that is if it works) this might help me to conserve time spent surfing…… I’ve got series of topics to write on but it seems on time…but I’ve just got to create one. Thanks for letting this known to us.
Hi Emmantope,
I think realizing your error will sure spur you to take corrections, I’m glad you could benefit from this post.
Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks Larry, so you’re so much insightful, and seeing you today @OneNaijaBlog is an Honor, thanks for this tips! i will never forget them but implement them in my blogging career.
Hello Isaiah,
I never knew i was this insightful, thanks for letting me know, implementing this tips will sure help you, thanks for stopping by. Have a nice week ahead.
Hi Larry,
Sure there is a lot of competition and people are embracing making money online by blogging. The smart, social and hardworking guys are going to survive this. Otherwise if a person is not active and willing to press on and be a real blogger his or her chance will be grabbed by others.
Yes Fredy,
I agree with you only the smart one’s can survive and make it to be there, I’m glad you could stop by to drop a comment.
Hi Larry,
Blogging has been a wonderful journey for me. But, unfortunately for many folks, blogging has been nothing but a nightmare! There are many reasons to why newbies quit and desert a blog. You’ve listed some of the most prominent reasons in the article, I must admit that.
If you ask me, choosing the wrong niche is the biggest mistake of all. Because, a wrong niche means less knowledge, less/no passion etc. Then comes the money part. Most newbies jump into the blogging bandwagon just for the sake of money! They think that it is going to be a cakewalk! But soon, upon getting no quick cash, they get disappointed and quit blogging!
Having a mentor is great. Because that speeds up the learning process. The prospect of having someone to guide us is very beneficial.
At the end of the day, if one doesn’t take blogging seriously and put in some good old hard work, they sure will fail and at some point, quit blogging altogether!
Nice read! 🙂
Hi Arun,
you just gave a nice explanation there, i see you agree with my points, thanks for your time.
Hi larry…I can see the good points you have layed down in this post, also since there is a good no. Of bloggers who blog about blogging its also easy to find a mentor who can share their experiences with you.
Yes Ali,
Getting a mentor isn’t a problem, there are over a million and one people out there you can look up to as your mentor.
Thank for stopping by.
Thank you Babanature for this blog post.I feel empowered to continue blogging even though I feel lazy at times.I love your blog
Hi Hildaglosh,
Blogging isn’t a bad idea, like i said earlier perseverance will see you through, I’m glad this post was beneficial to you.
Thanks for stoping by.
Agree and the title says it straight – Career. If blogging is taken as career and all business aspects are covered, blogging will be successful venture.
Hi Kaloyan,
For sure blogging is a nice venture, but nothing good comes easy though, thanks for your time.
“Lazy” it is the main thing which would make us loose interest on blogging and also daily time management / consistency is important to make sure we don’t loose interest towards blogging.
Hi Samir,
Laziness sure plays a protracted role in killing your passion for blogging, you just spoted one nice killer.
Thanks for stopping by.
Perseverance is sometimes but another word for self-reliance. Some are “born tired;” naturally lazy and possessing no self-reliance and no perseverance. There is no doubt this kind of people are the one that quite blogging within 2months of starting.
Another thing is Mindset, when your mindset is on quick Money you also not last long blogging. I really love all the points you stated above.
Thanks for this piece and have a nice day
Hi Olamosh.
It’s just perseverance, i like it when you say their mindset is on money, this will sure kick them out of blogging, i’m not saying one shouldn’t have money in mind while blogging, the thought of money should be limited.
Thanks for your time bro
Here is my philosophy… Follow Excellence & Success with chase you pant down. Write quality content, promote it to the right audience and implement a good a monetizating strategy on your blog.
Hi Olamosh, Nice One
Hey Larry
Well blogging it for passionate persons and if someone thinks that he can make tons of money overnight it is the biggest misconception.
I think if someone is passionate money should not be the issue.
Thanks for the amazing update.
Hi Ashi,
I’m glad this article intrests you, thanks for stopping by.
You’re right babanature, bcos most of the people that are doing blog now want fast money but they don’t want to work hard, and the worst past is they use fake traffic on their site.
How do you expect money to come when all your readers are bots?
I Feel sorry when i checked some people’s blog and see like 800 or more online users, you get up to 800 online users daily and u don’t earn money? sorry for you and your blog.
Babanature i always dey feel your blog even though we’re not in the same niche, thanks for the great post and keep the good job up, God Bless.
Hi Djsamlegxy,
I smiled when you said someone who has over 800 users online isn’t making money online, well such people are cheating themselves, i can’t imagine doing such a thing, thanks for your time.
Reason No 4 “You don’t have a mentor” is the most important reason but many blogger don’t take it seriously. They take it as marketing trick to sell one’s services of mentoring. Many pro bloggers don’t sell their own mentoring service but keep insisting to hire a mentor to become a successful blogger. We take it very casually when a pro blogger disclosed how he groped in the darkness for several years before perfectly learning the art of blogging. What he meant to say is because of hiring no mentor he had to lost has several years without any achievement.
All the reasons you mentioned in this post are quite valid and every struggling blogger should seriously review them to revise his blogging strategy.
Hi Mi Muba,
Having a mentor isn’t a bad idea, i heard you say pro bloggers sell their services, bro not all, there are still people out there.
My boss BabaNature is an example. Thanks for stopping by.
H Larry,
Great post and I agree with you on all these tips. Thanks for sharing this one here at Babanature’s home.
My nephew recently started a blog but he was of the assumption that you just created it and started writing. He had NO idea what all was involved until he came over and sat with me for a few hours while I explained all the “behind the scenes” stuff that has to take place. I thought he literally was going to have a heart attack. There is just so much information that I think so many people just get overwhelmed with it all and quit.
Having some type of mentor I believe is really crucial because there is so much to learn. If people are coming online to earn money then I definitely applaud them for wanting to do so but they need to understand that it’s a process. It’s not going to happen overnight that’s for sure and it might not happen for months.
I hate to see so many people coming and immediately going but at the same time if they’re not willing to do the work then that’s really for the best.
Great share and I wish you both a great week.
Hi Adrienne, you’ve just added spices and nutrient to this post, I’m glad you could drop a comment after reading, thanks for stopping by.
Those are all very true! Anyone looking to m1ake money fast is in for a rude awakening. I would add that anyone trying to make it on their own without working with a few other bloggers and networking will struggle.
Yea Amiti, it’s really gonna b difficult for those trying to walk alone in the blogosphere, I’m glad for your time spent here.
Thanks for stopping by.
what all you said in your post for failing in blogging career is absolutely true.. I do find many bloggers crave for money in the beginning itself and they find bad strategies to earn that.If we should last long in blogging career then we should focus on many things.Thanks for sharing this post i find it useful so that I can come over my mistakes
Ho Vino,
Having money in mind while starting blogging is one killer of passion for blogging especially when the money isn’t comming.
Thanks for stopping by.
Larry thanks for this article! would you believe that it took me exactly 1 year for me to earn a dime. Assuming i have not been patient, i wont have earn anything and i would have quit. Thank God this code is going to be boosting me again to press harder. so my compliment have covered the first and the last point listed above. Despite that i am not a blogger of the same niche. being social really pays too, it had really helped me as well as commenting on other blogs. I made it a task to always comment on at least 5 blogs daily and its really helping too. The aspect of mentor is somehow to me. am finding it hard to trust some people on my niche as my mentor.
Hi Oluwaseun,
You sure have to take it had, taking it as a burden to yourself to comment on at least 5 blogs on daily bases isn’t a bad idea, i wish you gooodluck bro.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Babanature,
There are plenty of reasons why some people won’t last in blogging. One reason that really resonated with me is that you have to be social when it comes to blogging. From commenting to engaging on social media, you have to put yourself out there. I’ve been finding that the more social that you are, the better are your results. I use to just comment on blogs and share quotes. Once I started to become more social on facebook, Google and Twitter, I not only got better responses, but also better results as far a shares and traffic! It made a really big difference! Thanks for sharing these reasons and I hope you have a fantastic rest of the week!
Hi Sherman,
Being social is one factor that can keep you going in the blogosphere, I’m glad you could spot it out.
Thanks for stopping by.
Great tips, Larry!
Laziness is the hardest of all….you need to be able to manage procrastination. In moderation, it is good; encourages us to take breaks for our body/mind 😀
But, sometimes, we can also go to far…waste too much time later (we might end up regretting it later, but the time wasted is gone…nothing much we can do about it).
I think the best way to deal with it is experiment…try different methods (checklist, task management apps, dividing up work with time blocks, or maybe focusing on just 2-4 tasks a day…..we have to experiment and see which ones work best for us).
Anyways, thank you for sharing these tips!
Appreciate it 🙂
Hi Jeevan,
Putting to practice all the above stated techniques isn’t a bad idea, but it just takes perseverance. Like i said earlier perseverance is what it takes.
I’m glad you could devote some of your time ti read this article, thanks for stopping by.
Hi Larry,
This is yet again an amazing article from you. If you had to ask me 1 point why I would fail or quit blogging in future; my definite answer would be my laziness.
I think most bloggers seriously needs to tacke this issue in order to keep the blogging business or community running smoothly. Today internet is filled with so much content that you can afford to stop or pause for even a minute,
Once again thanks for this brilliant post.
Hi Ansh,
Indeed laziness is a silent killer, the fact is you don’t even know it when you are being lazy you think you are just coping up like nornal, i’m glad you could spot out one of those worst factors that kills the passion, thanks for stopping by, do have a nice day ahead.
Not just blogging, in general people trying to make money online fast won’t succeed, some may but is just pure luck, and most will fail, because there’s no way to make money fast, you must have a mentor, you must have a detailed plan to put in practice and a lot of patience, you will make money, you’ve to work hard and work hard.