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Best ad Networks for Publishers and Their Secrets

Okay, here’s how it goes – I am going to share with us today the top 3 best ad networks for publishers and their secrets for bloggers who wants to make money blogging. Now tell me, how’s that sound?

Best ad Networks for Publishers and Their Secrets

Many new bloggers came to the blogging game believing that making money online is actually easy. Did you read somewhere that you don’t have to work hard before you can make money blogging? Guest what, you’ve read the wrong blog or site 🙂

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I don’t truly know if it’s possible to make money blogging without hard work and playing smart as a new blogger. But what I do know is – you can make money the first month of creating your blog. But here comes the truth, you will need to make effort, apply hard work and play it with smartness. Are you still with me?

Here is a truth any pro blogger will never tell you – Making money with any ad network is the hardest way any new blogger will ever thing of making money blogging. And why is that?

Before you can make good money with any ad network, you will need to have massive traffic, better placement of your ads and be praying to get either good clicks or a better impression.

But thank God, now adays, you do not need that much traffic to make money with your favorite ad network. The main fact is – Making money online is not that difficult if you know how to lay your bed.

Best ad Networks for Publishers and Their Secrets

On a letter post, I will be sharing with you guys how to make money with your favorite ad network without much traffic… don’t worry, because I know you are going to love it 🙂 . But today, let’s just discuss only on the best ad network for publisher.

Below are my 3 best ad networks for publishers with little or massive traffic.

Google Adsense: when I created this blog newly, Google adsense was the first method I used to monetize my blog. And I am sure that 97% of bloggers you see today once had an account with them 😉

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The one reason I recommend Google adsense to new bloggers is – you do not need to convince people before you can make money with your blog. All you need is the right keyword, a smart placement of your ads and some good amount of traffic.

Infolinks: I love infolinks because they don’t delay their payment when your payment has reached its threshold and their analytic is accurate. Many bloggers today use the infolinks networks, which makes them my second choice.

Why I like the infolinks network is because, they do not mess up your blog with ads. They are based on inlinking… so rest assured that you will get paid either per click or get paid per impression. I just started using on one of my blogs and I’ll say that it’s going awesome. Because in just a short period, I have made some good $$$ from them, so who wouldn’t love a company like that.

But the way you can make good income using, is by attracting traffic from the North Americans. Getting traffic from that region is not that hard, just know your schedule time for promotion and you will get through them.

These are the top three ad networks any new blogger would surely love and feel happy about…

Remember that the best way to make money with any ad network, is to get the right amount of traffic and keywords that would make your earning increase 🙂 .

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Thank you for reading my today’s post and I do hope you will drop a line or two, using the comment box below.

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41 thoughts on “Best ad Networks for Publishers and Their Secrets”

  1. HI Babanature,

    Yes indeed, these perhaps are the best of the 3 as you mentioned 🙂

    I have just used Adsense for my blog, though I tried infolinks, but it didn’t work out as well or perhaps as you said, you need the right kind of targeted traffic and the right keywords, and once that happens it might work. Never tried, so that is something new and as you say, it is working for you, so would surely check it out.

    Thanks for sharing these. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

    1. Same case here, Harleena. Infolinks, while essentially easy to implement and serve (ads), always found a way of working outside one’s desire. While I still believe its a great ad network, I think the major challenge comes to the type of blog you run, traffic and your type of audience.

      Do have a very great day!


      1. I agree with you there, Terungwa. In fact, in the survey I conducted, my readers wanted me to get rid of all the advt, especially within the post, so that the reading is clear and easy on the eyes, so I respected their views, and in that case Infolinks would never work for me.

        Thanks 🙂

    2. Hello Harleena,
      Infolinks are great but does not work for all, but i am sure media dot net will fit the space 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your wonderful comment as always. Do have a wonderful weekend start 🙂

  2. Hi Babanature,

    Thanks for sharing the recommendation. I have to say infolinks is better than adsense. We all know it is not easy to get accepted in adsense and there is better chance to get accepted in infolinks.

    In my experience, as newbie it is good to see the minimum payout on the ad network. The lower the limit the faster you will get paid. After that we need to consider the quality of ads being offer by the ad network. Adsense is the best so far in ads quality, but I believe there is alternative out there.

    Wish you have a great weekend my friend

    1. Hello Okto,
      Every ad network has their disadvantage and as well as their advantages. There are some ad company out there that might oneday stand on par with Google adsense. and when that they comes, we’ll be sitting smiling 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your wonderful comment. Do have a wonderful weekend…

  3. From my experience I can say that in 3 months of working 3 hours a day you can build a 100+ euros blog + AdSense only per month, each and every month after that with 30-40 minutes of work per day, I’ve done this, and next step is scale it, plus another site, plus another one and improving them to reach 200+ euros.

    I agree, AdSense is the best, lately I start receiving nice CPC, perhaps is the ad unit, anyway like it.

    1. Hello Daniel,
      Those adsense still sends euro as currency payment option? Because i got my adsense account reset to dollar 🙁

      Your ad placement might be the increase or where you get your traffic from 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your comment dear friend. Do have a kind weekend

      1. Yeah my account is in Euros, CPC in Euros, payments sent in Euros too, I chosed this option when I sign up Adsense. In 7 days or so I expect my earnigs from last mo*. Party again 😀

  4. Hi babanature
    Thanks for sharing another wonderful post on money blogging and revealing their secrets as well. 🙂
    It is also an open secret that Media dot net is now giving a tough time to Google Adsense and its customer care is making its presence feel in blogosphere. Secondly Adsense adopted a little flexibility in its ads format after media net first offer this benefit to make size as they want.
    Info links does have its own advantage but I observed its text links make the blog a little slower. Many bloggers complained of this problem earlier.

    1. Hello Mi Muba,
      You’ve indeed studied these ad network carefully and i like you for that 🙂
      Yes media dot net is becoming a threat to Google adsense… but i am afraid that one day, their customer care will drop and they might stop/ fold up from the business. why? Because Google hates threats 🙂

      Yes, infolinks do have huge negative effect when it comes to site speed and i do hope they get it fix as soon as possible.
      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your lovely comment. Hope you have a great weekend

  5. Hello Babanature,

    These ad companies mentioned represent the best the industry has to offer and I have fair experience with them. However, I must say, in terms of simplicity (and ease of payment/acceptance), Infolinks beats them all – however, it is the least respected and often abused.

    A helpful entry for beginners…and a concisely written one.

    Do enjoy your day.


    1. Hello Akaahan,
      You’re right, infolinks is a great ad network that accepts publishers easily without any pullbacks. I’ll say that the reason they are accepting more publishers, is because they are trying to cut a edge 🙂 .
      Pretty soon, i am sure they will be as strict as Google adsense.

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping a wonderful comment on this, do have a lovely weekend…

    1. Hello Kaloyan,
      I haven’t tried buysellads before. but i’ll defintely try them out and see how their network works 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment on this topic. Do have a nice week ahead…

    1. Hello Faheen,
      Adsense is still many favorite and most prefered before others follows, why? Because adsense has a more accurate analytic than others 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your comment. Do have a wonderful week ahead…

  6. Infolinks is indeed a perfect ad networks for getting some good cash and I believe those who are not using adsense or not interested to it must join inolinks.


    1. Hello Harish,
      Nice thought on the topic. indeed infolinks do help fairly to blogger who are searching for a better Google alternate 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by. Do have yourself a wonderful week ahead…

  7. hi babanature. thanks for your effort writing this article. i’d also like to ask you a question, does changing of theme affect ranking results on google and also, how can you know where those folks who are interested in you topic hangout?

    1. Hello Emmanuel,
      Your answer is No…. Changing your theme can not affect your ranking but changing of seo plugin might affect your traffic for only a short period of time 🙂

      If you’re in facebook, join groups that are in your niche, if you’re using stubleupon, use stumbles that relate to you and if you’re in twitter make sure you use tags that are in your field as well.

      and the countries have their schedule time, Best time to promote your post is by 8am in the morning or 6-8pm in the evening… These time depends on the country you’re targeting. Try knowing their time zone is one good way to start 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by. do have a blessed week start…

  8. Hi There,

    Thanks for this informative post. Getting approved for AdSense might be a hefty and humongous task, whereas getting approved for info links is as easy as hell!

    Thanks for the list! Now, I have got different ways to monetize.


    1. Ahahah… you’re right Sayantan,
      getting infolinks to approve your blog is way more easy compare to the other ad networks 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your comments, Do have a wonderful week ahead

  9. Hi Babanature,

    Nyc Article Man, But In My Case I Have Try All These 3 Ad Networks on my blog but out of 3 adsense is only working fine for me but the rest two are not working well on my blog so i hv stop using those two ad networks.

    1. Hello Manoj,
      Everybody do go for what is best for them. Google adsense has his audience while others do too 🙂

      Thanks for dropping your view on the post. Do have a wonderful week ahead

  10. Hi Babanature,

    Great Post and thanks for sharing your experience.

    I only heard a lot about Google Adsense but I never tried it myself.

    I am looking forward to your promised post “how to make money with your favorite ad network without much traffic” .

    Thanks Babanature for sharing and have yourself a great rest of the week.

    Be Blessed,


    1. Hello Neamat,
      i am compiling the post and it should be ready pretty soon… 🙂
      Thank you for stopping by and dropping your wonderful comment. Do have a blessed week…

  11. Hey Babanature,

    I agree, this is one of the hardest ways to make money with your blog because it’s never going to be a lot. Which as you already know my opinion, is not worth it.

    If you want to make good money you need to focus your thoughts elsewhere. The way I think about building a business online is you need to send your traffic to where you can make the most from your efforts and I just don’t think this avenue is it.

    But as you know, that’s just my opinion and a lot of people disagree with me. That’s okay too! 😉


    1. Hello Adrienne,
      Making money online takes skills. And yes, To make serious money as a blogger, we need to look beyond these boxes.
      But the truth is, what comfort you might not comfort me… There are many bloggers who make awesome money with these ad networks and i am one of the living testimony 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your view with us dear friend, it was truly appreciated.
      Do have yourself a blessed week ahead…

  12. Hi Babs,
    Great compilation, I would like to give my honest opinion of the three ads publishers, I have used two of them before, but the last one, I wasnt accepted when I applied, I might be reapplying before the end of this year hopefully I would get accepted.

    Ok, Google adsense is great, especially if you have a well established blog, good understanding of SEO and huge traffic goes a long way in determining how big you earn from Google, I have earned a nice income from them, and the good thing is the new payment method that was introduced for Nigerians.

    InfoLinks? seriously, I dislike their style of serving ads, the just make the entire blog look unprofessional, like they dump their links everywhere, and the sad part is their earnings, it’s so low, even if the blog traffic is very high, their CPC is poor, I might be wrong though, but that’s my experience with them when I was running their ads on my blog., I have not use them before, but I ntocied they have a very nice way of distributing their ads on website, that alone is making me fall in love with them. Enough said, great website bro, and am bookmarking for frequent visit and commenting. Thanks

  13. Thanks for the tip. I am currently using adsense and results are mixed. I am applying more effort and hardwork so fingers crossed. Might also try as most of my auidence are from NA.

    1. Good to know Jason,
      Google adsense is one good way to make money blogging especially for new bloggers coming up 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by and dropping your comments, do have a lovely week ahead…

  14. Thanks for the ad services breakdown. I had ad sense and was just about to get paid when I got dropped for an unborn violation that Google reps couldn’t give me details on. I never tried info links but will look into them. What have you heats about bidvertiser

    1. Hello Jay,
      That’s sad… but i am sure that you will enjoy infolinks and the rest of the ad network.

      I tried bidvertiser and my experience was nothing to write home about. 🙂 . Its just my own, but you can try them out and see how they go…

  15. Hi, baba at the top, I am so much impress by the way the comment is going here, the commenter have all said well, actually I have an issue with infolink which I think it can be resolve here on this thread, I monitize 3 of my blog with infolink ad for close to six month now, some days I will earn up to $5 to $7 dollar. I am still waiting to reach my payment threshold which is $500, but what supprise me is that my earnings to the previous month is not carry to the nexth month and when I view my entire earning history, I will not get the stastics for the previous months. Please sir, I need your assistance on what to do.

    1. Hello Onyema,
      Ah… thank you for that complement, it was indeed appreciated 🙂
      To view your overall payment? You can check your overall payment by choosing the “choose date” option or you can simply choose the date you started out with them and choose your end date. the result will definitely come up, and if it doesn’t, i’ll advise you speak to their customer care representative

  16. Hi Baba,
    Thank you for this informative post. You explained very well and keep posting useful stuff like this. Thank you again, Good Job.

  17. Hi Baba,
    I am using Google adsense and it is very best for me
    but I am also using Infolinks but it does not better work for me.
    I don’t know what’s a reason behind this.
    But Now I want to use Media dot net network.
    Please suggest me can I use Media dot net with Google adsene.
    And How?
    I am getting about 4500- 5000 visitor /day
    Thanks in advance.

  18. I always smile when i read your blog post…I’ve a question,is it advisable to use all 3 ad network on one site???

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