Social media is at the cutting edge of the marketing and advertising industry. Its focus on user-generated content and proximity to an audience means that it can maintain pace with changing trends and opinions far more effectively than traditional methods of communication.
The importance of social media
More and more people are increasingly turning to the internet for support in a whole range of different areas of their lives.
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The advancement in mobile technology has also made it far more accessible to ordinary people. As a result, the amount of time and attention people spend online is growing significantly every day.
In today’s internet-driven world, social media provides a channel to reach an audience that is:
- Interactive. Social media is about having discussions with people, not simply telling them things. It is for conversation, not broadcast.
- Organic.Being user-driven, social media platforms naturally evolve and adapt to meet the requirements and expectations of their users.
- Engaging. The grassroots nature of social media provides an insight into the language and preferences of any given group, enabling a business to adapt their approach to communicating with this group accordingly.
All of this means that social media has the potential to be an enormously successful marketing tool, and it is therefore critical for entrepreneurs and businesses to harness its power in order to maintain their relevance in increasingly competitive markets.
A social media marketing strategy
The term social media covers a range of platforms, all of which should be considered when creating a social media marketing strategy. A business or individual should start with their audience, consider the platform through which they are most likely to reach them, and seek expert advice and guidance, such as that published on Tunde Folawiyo’s blog, to ensure that their presence is as impactful as it can possibly be.
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A few options to consider when creating a social media portfolio are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. There are many other platforms, but these are among the most well-known and widely used, and a social media marketing plan will often include a combination of at least one or two of these.
Businesses and individuals use these channels to:
- Publish blogs to communicate their view on recent events and demonstrate the fact they are up to date with the latest thinking in their field.
- Share videos and photos of recent activity.
- Build up a database of followers to whom they can quickly and easily promote new products and events.
- Converse with their audience and gain invaluable insight while doing so.
The future of marketing
Social media is predicted by many experts to represent the future in communications, or at the very least the foundations on which the future will be laid, so an open-minded and enthusiastic approach to social media is not optional for anyone wishing to make their mark in the business world. It is absolutely essential for entrepreneurs to embrace this tool and ensure they are properly represented.
Social media has become a necessity for business growth; Nigerian entrepreneurs should embrace it to quickly gain popularity and proper branding for their new start up and existing business. It is one of the fastest way to speed up prosperity in the 21st century.
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Hi Babanature,
You are absolutely right – without social media, you cannot really progress 🙂
I think every blogger and entrepreneur should have their social media profiles well set up if they want to reach the masses, and be a little everywhere. I often see people active on 1-2 social networks, while they tend to neglect the rest, but they don’t realize that the audience is present all over, and what you might find say on Facebook or G+, you’d not find on Twitter and Stumbleupon.
Yes, managing it all is another cumbersome task, but doing a little on a daily basis is the key perhaps. 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hey Harleena,
Even recently, I have got to discover that the bulk of blog traffic is being contributed by social media. One of my blogs which once went down on Search engine traffic due to Google algo update still get thousands of unique visitors daily courtesy of social media. Businesses will be sure of capturing the targeted audience, its a great revolution that we must take advantage of.
Thanks for finding the post useful.
Hello Harleena,
I am agree with you harleen, social media is one of the leading way increase your visibily on internet and i recommend SMM special google plus and facebook to promote their business.
Hi Babanature,
You are so right Social Media is a gold mine, if utilized properly. To get noticed and have a presence, entrepreneurs have to embrace Social Media. There is no other way around that.
Business people and entrepreneurs should be building relationships and social networking in the Social Media Sites. That means they should have at least one profile on each of the major Social Media Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, GooglePlus and Pinterest. Consistency is key to build those relationships and get noticed.
Thanks Babanature for sharing!! Have a great day.
Be Blessed
Hey Neemat,
Thanks for your view and contribution. Potential customers are resident all over social media, its a very good place for start up to start building a great brand. I quite love your statement “social media is a gold mine.”
Thanks for reading.
Be blessed too! 🙂
Hey You are right about social media is being a necessary to grow up your business and also could help to spread it in a large area
which can help to popular your business and brand also.
Thanks for sharing your view Zorphia.
Hope you have started making good use of social media?
Hi Olukunle,
Nice to hear from about social media.
As we are all aware it’s importance. More and more people are engaging with it.
People are adding to Twitter in this new era of interaction. Facebook is an amazing platform for bloggers, entrepreneurs and all other.
You know Stumbleupon plays a great role in our social environment.
Social media has it’s future in which there is no darkness because people are getting engaged and will be.
Great post indeed.
Have a nice weekend.:)
Hey Ravi,
Thanks for your comment! Besides Facebook, Twitter and Stumble upon, I recently discovered Google+ as very powerful. If you have more likes (+1) on your post on G+, your search engine ranking boosts. Foursquare is very good in promoting local businesses.
The world is totally changing with the use of social media.