canada scholarships for international students

10 Scholarships in Canada for International Students

Hey there, future scholars! Ready to take your education to the next level? If you’re an international student dreaming of studying in Canada, you’re in luck.

These scholarships cover various fields and educational levels, so there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re an undergraduate student looking to kickstart your academic journey or a graduate student aiming for advanced research opportunities, Canada has got you covered.

So, let’s get started and explore the fantastic opportunities that await you. From full tuition coverage to substantial annual stipends, these scholarships are designed to reward academic excellence and leadership potential.

And the best part? We’ll guide you through the eligibility criteria and application processes, so you know exactly what steps to take.

Ready to transform your educational journey? Let’s dive into the top scholarships that could make your dream of studying in Canada a reality!

1. Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship

Provided By: University of Toronto

Value: Full tuition, books, and residence

Eligibility: This prestigious scholarship is for international students who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and leadership qualities. If you’re someone who stands out in your school and community, this might be the perfect opportunity for you.

Application Process: To apply for the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship, you need to be nominated by your high school. Here’s a quick rundown of the steps:

  1. Nomination: First, your high school must nominate you. Each school can nominate one student, so talk to your guidance counselor about being the nominee.
  2. Apply to the University of Toronto: You must apply to study at the University of Toronto before the application deadline. Make sure you apply for an undergraduate program that starts in the following academic year.
  3. Complete the Pearson Scholarship Application: Once you’ve been nominated and applied to the university, you’ll receive a personalized, secure link to access the Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship application. Fill it out and submit it by the given deadline.

The Pearson Scholarship is not just about covering your educational expenses; it’s also about recognizing your leadership potential and providing you with opportunities to grow and excel.

2. Trudeau Foundation Scholarships

Provided By: Trudeau Foundation

Value: CAD 60,000 per year for up to three years

Eligibility: These scholarships target doctoral candidates in the social sciences and humanities. If you’re pursuing a PhD and your research aligns with the Foundation’s themes of human rights and dignity, responsible citizenship, Canada and the world, and people and their natural environment, this is an excellent opportunity.

Application Process: The application process for the Trudeau Foundation Scholarships is thorough, designed to select candidates who are not only academically proficient but also exhibit leadership and a commitment to public engagement.

  1. Preliminary Application: Submit an initial application through the Trudeau Foundation’s online portal. This includes your personal information, academic background, and a summary of your research proposal.
  2. Institutional Endorsement: Your university must endorse your application. This involves a detailed review and approval process, so ensure you communicate with your university’s scholarship office early.
  3. Detailed Application: If endorsed, you’ll complete a more comprehensive application, including detailed research proposals, letters of recommendation, and evidence of your leadership and public engagement activities.
  4. Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview with the selection committee. This is your chance to showcase your passion, leadership qualities, and the impact of your research.

The Trudeau Foundation Scholarships not only provide significant financial support but also offer mentorship and networking opportunities with other scholars and leaders in various fields.

3. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Provided By: Canadian Government

Value: CAD 50,000 per year for three years

Eligibility: The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships are designed for doctoral students who demonstrate leadership skills and high scholarly achievement in their studies. This scholarship is open to students in health research, natural sciences and engineering, and social sciences and humanities.

Application Process: The Vanier Scholarship application process is competitive and detailed. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Find a Supervisor: Before you apply, you need to find a Canadian institution and a supervisor who supports your application. Your supervisor will play a crucial role in the application process.
  2. Institutional Nomination: Your chosen institution must nominate you. This involves submitting a nomination package, including your academic transcripts, research proposal, and letters of reference.
  3. Application Submission: Once nominated, you will complete your application through the ResearchNet application system. This includes providing detailed information about your research, leadership qualities, and academic achievements.
  4. Review Process: Your application will be reviewed by the Vanier selection committee, which assesses the quality of your research proposal, academic excellence, and leadership potential.

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships are one of the most prestigious awards available to doctoral students in Canada, offering not only financial support but also a platform for advancing your research and career.

4. Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

Provided By: Government of Ontario

Value: CAD 5,000 to CAD 15,000

Eligibility: If you’re a graduate student at a participating Ontario university, the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) could be a great fit for you. This scholarship is open to both Canadian and international students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree.

Application Process: The application process for the OGS is relatively straightforward but requires attention to detail. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Check Eligibility: First, ensure you meet the basic eligibility criteria, including academic standing and full-time enrollment at a participating university.
  2. Submit Application: Complete the OGS application form, which is available through your university’s graduate studies office. Make sure to provide all required documents, including academic transcripts and letters of reference.
  3. Statement of Interest: Write a compelling statement of interest outlining your academic achievements, research goals, and why you deserve the scholarship.
  4. Submission Deadline: Pay attention to the submission deadlines, which vary by university. It’s crucial to submit your application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.

The OGS is a fantastic opportunity to ease the financial burden of graduate studies while focusing on your academic and research pursuits.

5. UAlberta International Scholarships

Provided By: University of Alberta

Value: Up to CAD 9,000

Eligibility: The University of Alberta offers a range of scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate international students. These scholarships are based on academic excellence and are designed to support you throughout your studies.

Application Process: Applying for UAlberta International Scholarships involves several steps:

  1. Apply for Admission: First, apply for admission to the University of Alberta. Make sure your application is complete and submitted by the deadlines.
  2. Automatic Consideration: Many of these scholarships don’t require a separate application. When you apply for admission, you’re automatically considered based on your academic records.
  3. Additional Scholarships: For certain scholarships, you may need to submit additional applications or documents. Check the university’s scholarship portal for specific requirements and deadlines.

With UAlberta International Scholarships, you can focus more on your studies and less on financial concerns.

6. Humber College International Entrance Scholarships

Provided By: Humber College

Value: CAD 1,000 to CAD 5,000

Eligibility: If you’re a new international student starting your studies in January or September, Humber College International Entrance Scholarships are worth considering. These scholarships are awarded based on academic performance and community involvement.

Application Process: Here’s how you can apply for Humber College International Entrance Scholarships:

  1. Apply for Admission: First, apply for a program at Humber College. Ensure your application is complete and submitted by the deadlines.
  2. Submit Scholarship Application: Once you’ve applied for admission, fill out the separate scholarship application form. This form typically includes sections for personal information, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities.
  3. Write an Essay: Write a short essay explaining why you deserve the scholarship. Highlight your academic achievements, community involvement, and future goals.
  4. Meet Deadlines: Submit the scholarship application by the specified deadlines for January or September intake.

Humber College International Entrance Scholarships can significantly reduce your tuition costs and help you focus on your academic journey.

7. University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF)

Provided By: University of Manitoba

Value: CAD 14,000 (master’s) and CAD 18,000 (PhD)

Eligibility: The University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF) are open to graduate students in any field of study. This is a fantastic opportunity for both master’s and doctoral students looking to fund their education and research.

Application Process: Here’s what you need to know about applying for UMGF:

  1. Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria, which typically include being enrolled full-time in a graduate program at the University of Manitoba and having a minimum GPA of 3.0 (B average) in your last 60 credit hours.
  2. Application Form: Complete the UMGF application form, available through the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba.
  3. Required Documents: Gather your academic transcripts, a CV, and letters of recommendation. Some departments may also require a research proposal or statement of intent.
  4. Submit to Department: Submit your application to your respective department. Each department has its own internal deadlines, so be sure to check these well in advance.
  5. Review Process: Your application will be reviewed by a departmental selection committee. If selected, it will then be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for final approval.

With the UMGF, you can focus on your academic and research pursuits without worrying about financial constraints.

8. Carleton University Entrance Scholarships

Provided By: Carleton University

Value: Up to CAD 16,000

Eligibility: Carleton University offers entrance scholarships to international students who have demonstrated excellent academic performance. If you have a strong academic record, this scholarship could significantly ease your financial burden.

Application Process: The application process for Carleton University Entrance Scholarships is straightforward:

  1. Automatic Consideration: The great news is that there’s no separate application required. When you apply to Carleton University, you’re automatically considered for these entrance scholarships.
  2. Academic Performance: Your eligibility is based on your academic achievements. Ensure your transcripts and academic records are up-to-date and accurately reflect your performance.
  3. Notification: If you qualify for a scholarship, you’ll be notified in your offer of admission. The scholarship amount is determined based on your academic excellence.

These scholarships make Carleton University an attractive option for high-achieving international students looking to study in Canada.

9. University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarships

Provided By: University of Calgary

Value: CAD 15,000

Eligibility: The University of Calgary offers international entrance scholarships to high-achieving students entering the first year of any undergraduate degree program. If you excel academically and are looking to start your undergraduate studies, this scholarship can provide substantial support.

Application Process: Here’s how to apply for the University of Calgary International Entrance Scholarships:

  1. Admission Application: First, apply for admission to the University of Calgary. Make sure your application is complete and submitted by the specified deadlines.
  2. Scholarship Application: Complete the separate scholarship application available through the university’s online portal. This typically includes sections for academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal statements.
  3. Required Documents: Submit any additional required documents, such as letters of recommendation, academic transcripts, and proof of extracurricular involvement.
  4. Deadlines: Pay close attention to application deadlines. Both the admission and scholarship applications have specific timelines that must be adhered to.

These entrance scholarships are designed to reward academic excellence and provide international students with the financial support needed to succeed in their studies.

10. McGill University Scholarships

Provided By: McGill University

Value: Various awards, including the prestigious McCall MacBain Scholarship

Eligibility: McGill University offers a range of scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate exceptional merit. These scholarships are designed to recognize outstanding academic achievements, leadership skills, and community involvement.

Application Process: Applying for McGill University scholarships involves several key steps:

  1. Admission Application: First, you need to apply for admission to McGill University. Ensure that your application is thorough and submitted by the required deadlines.
  2. Scholarship Application: Some scholarships, like the McCall MacBain Scholarship, require a separate application. This application includes sections for personal statements, academic achievements, leadership experiences, and community service.
  3. Supporting Documents: Prepare and submit any additional required documents. These may include academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and proof of extracurricular activities.
  4. Interviews: For certain prestigious scholarships like the McCall MacBain, shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview as part of the selection process.

The scholarships at McGill University are highly competitive but offer significant financial support and opportunities for personal and academic growth.


Applying for scholarships in Canada can be a game-changer for your educational journey. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also open doors to world-class education and research opportunities. From the prestigious Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto to the comprehensive support of the McCall MacBain Scholarship at McGill University, there are numerous opportunities waiting for you.

Take advantage of these scholarships to alleviate the financial burden and focus on achieving your academic and professional goals. Remember, each scholarship has its own set of requirements and deadlines, so start your application process early and put your best foot forward.

Don’t let financial constraints hold you back. Apply for these scholarships and make your dream of studying in Canada a reality. Share this information with friends and family who might benefit from these opportunities, and take the first step towards a brighter future today. Good luck, and we hope to see you in Canada soon!


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