Where do you want your blog to be in the next 5-years?
What do you think can help increase your authority as a blogger?
Is there any need to re-emphasize that blogging is a very serious business? I know you can argue otherwise, you equally have the right and the will to continue against my theory but the truth is that; all pro-bloggers know this and many have dumped their corporate jobs and grown their blog beyond the scope of their imagination.

If you have never thought about where your blog will be the next 5-years; that can explain why you don’t see blogging as a very serious business that requires much more than passion, commitment and dedication but sacrifices that will consume your time, energy and resources.
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Once you recognize the fact that your blog is your global office then you can begin to nature yourself to win as a blogger in whatever niche you found strengths. Do not forget that your goal is to get enough information which will help you design your blog to meet the needs of your readers.
The art of blogging is often taken for granted and it is easier to understand the principles than to develop the skills required. However, constant research will benefit you and lead to more effective system that will guide your blog and ultimately enhance addiction.
You need to constantly analyze your blog and understand the dynamics of your niche. You need to allow flexibility; the capacity to change provided it leads to growth. Don’t just sit there and continue to think that you command an unconditional authority over your niche.
In one of my web scrabbling, I came across a post in OneNaijaBlog; the author claims if one doesn’t do a guest post, he is a lazy blogger. I quickly loaded the page, assimilated what the author said, and I was automatically found guilty. I have never ever written a guest post, I examined myself and knew that although I am not a lazy blogger but a fact was established; that I don’t have any guest post to call my own.
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Quickly, I opened my document and in one week I had completed my first guest post and submitted to a pro-blogger, this is my second guest post and perhaps the last for the year but the point is this; this whole scenario is part of a research that can enable you win as a blogger. It is not entirely limited to articles, but you can take some time out of your busy blogging schedule to understand how pro-bloggers in your niche structure their blog, how they communicate with their readers, how they incorporate social media with blogging and more. The focal point of blogging-research is simply inestimable. Little things that don’t count to you could count to your visitors and that may be the reason why they never ever return to anything associated with your blog.
If all you care about is money and spamming the web with fake contents, you will never have an authority and your reputation will be dumped in a lagoon. Even when you have built trust, do not place it on a decline train for any reason. For it is easy to destroy than to build. Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful executions; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
That said, wining as a blogger begins with concerted efforts to achieve a goal and surpass a milestone. No one wins by self-defeat, hence the need to structure your mind on the path of greatness. Having a positive mindset toward whatever niche you find yourself is a key to fulfillment. Assumptions that a particular niche has an automatic birthright to success are completely out-of-place. Every niche has their strengths and weakness, you have to figure out which best suits your abilities and then aim for greatness. No matter how invisible you may be in the blogosphere, keep your spirits flying high as you journey to growth beyond expectations.
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In conclusion, your thoughts will eventually become your realities. Our thoughts shape our beliefs. Consequently, when our thoughts are wrong, our beliefs will be wrong. You will always gravitate in the direction of your most dominant thoughts. It is the spiritual that dictates the physical, if you have concluded to being a failed blogger; no amount of blogging skills will make you hit the top. When one’s mind is destroyed, the entire physical body ceases to function. As a blogger aspiring for greatness, you must always be positive even when the obstacles weigh you down. You must confront it ruthlessly and expect victory as the only alternative.
Over To You Guys
I have said so much about just so much 🙂 . Now let’s make the post more interesting and worthwhile by dropping your valuable comments using the comment box below.
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Hi Nosa, and nice to meet you at Babanature’s blog 🙂
Yes indeed, when and if you open a blog, you need to treat it as a full time professional job because that’s what’s going to bring you the money back home, IF your aim of blogging was to do that. Otherwise too, you need to give complete attention to your blog and be consistent with its content or else things really don’t work.
Ah…yes, I also read those lines of Babanature’s, and because I haven’t also yet started guest posts, I did think I was a lazy blogger! However, no excuses I guess, except the fact that I do remain very busy with my other writing projects, besides the blog posts, family and kids. But this is something I’d soon be starting off with, though I wonder how I’d ever cope with the comments that follow! I guess this is one major battle to win as a blogger 🙂
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead, both of you 🙂
Hi Harleena,
It’s a pleasure meeting you.
When I read those lines of Babanature I couldn’t sleep at night. It’s a great feeling having your post published on another blog and it really does push you to higher level of writing because you wouldn’t want to write an article and have it rejected right in your face.
I understand family issues can be very time consuming but I really feel you should give it a try. I will be waiting to receive the link of your first guest post 🙂
This is a well written article to be honest. I think one important thing I gained here is that we should not treat our blog with levity hands if we want it to develop to have the authority we want. I’ve also never written a guest post and I’ll continue to aim writing one. Thanks for the post.
Hello Olumide,
I really do appreciate the nod, and I am glad you learnt something from the article. It good to leave the comfort zone of your blog and see how you will be received elsewhere. I want to encourage you to try one guest post, Its not about being lazy or not but testing exploring the minds of others.
Wow! I have known Nosa E. Nosa to be very good with his command in English Language but never knew he was such a great writer.
As for your take on how to win as a blogger, I will personally appreciate your efforts in coming up with tips such as this one.
I really do find this tips so useful as tech blogger who is just started out on the path of perfection.
You cracked my bones there bro, I never knew I had good command of English Language. hehe
Now, learning happens to be a constant process, each week there is always changes on my blog. Although, they might not be visible to my readers, it leaves the back-end of the blog in fine state.
Constant research leaves you one step ahead of your peers, you visit other blogs and try to fix visible errors not in their blog but applying the solution on your blog.
I am not a fan of long posts. That is because my blogging mentor; Ben Duka is not one. I had to push myself to limit to write above my article limit and I think it’s great.
The next question I will like you to answer is if you have a blogging mentor?
Your question is friendly and absolutely needful as we all already know that blogging is like a community.
I have been into techy even before creating a blog of my own and so do a lot with tutorials.
I haven’t had the chance to meet a mentor actually and so have to do all the learning on my own.
Thanks for your tips once again
You’ve mentioned it all dude ! Anyways,If you have 1+ year blog that had 1000’s of regular visitor and the blog generated enough income to keep you happy then you’ve won as a blogger ….isn’t it dude?
Hi Pramod,
It’s not entirely the loads of visitors that comes by error but the capacity to retain such visitors and impact them once they become addicted readers.
And this can only happy if you have authority over your niche which require a little bit of extra efforts. Once this happens, the money would always come 😀
Hi Nosa,
Welcome on board on Baba’s blog.
The mind is everything and of course, you’re what you think.
This is just a lovely post.
Thank you so much Emmanuel, there are lots of great people here..
Hi Nosa.You have written a wonderfull post about blogging.
According to me if a person started blogging as a hobby it will always remain a hobby.So if anyone wants to be a blogger then he or she must except it professionally
Hi Ishan,
That’s the point, if a great player like Lionel Messi keeps thinking football is just a hobby without developing the professional skills that set him apart from others, he would never have attained his present status. In blogging, this phenomenon is exact.
Hope you watch football so my analogy doesn’t look vague..
This article is very detail .
Thank you for Sharing…This is a well written article to be honest.
Thanks Anisha, I appreciate
And readers will be the main Prize))) Good post as always! thanks, i feel like go and write something breathtaking))) about kittens for example) google likes cats))) lol
Lol, Writing about kittens wouldn’t be a bad idea either.. 🙂
I am glad you love the article and I wish you all the best.
I just found your blog, great post. I have to admit when I got started with blogging, I had no clue that it was going to be so much work. There is much more than just posting content and then leaving your blog alone.
As for guest posting, I have not attempted to do that yet. I guess you can say I am a little skittish right now. I want to improve the quality of my writing before I consider doing any type of guest posting.
Hi Susan,
I have to admit you have a genuine reason for not wanting to attempt guest posting at the moment. That’s the spirit of a winner; someone who is willing to give out only quality. And thanks for the commendation, I appreciate.
Hey Nosa,
Welcome to Babanature’s blog. Nice to meet you and thanks for sharing this with us.
So they called you out when you responded to that post about being a lazy blogger if you don’t write guest posts? Seriously! Shame on them. For the longest time I didn’t write them either. I only started when I was sent some invitations and finally decided I needed to get myself out there.
Now some of the top internet marketers will tell you that if you’re new then guest blogging is the best way to get in front of a lot of new faces. BUT, if you’ve been blogging for awhile and have the audience then it’s not a necessity although it can always bring you new visitors.
I personally love blogging and I’ve met so many wonderful people through this platform. It’s a lot of work but at the same time it’s so rewarding too. You really can make a business from it so never think otherwise. I think the ones that really reiterate the fact that you can’t are the ones who aren’t having the success.
Congratulations on your second guest post and you did a marvelous job. Hope you both enjoy what’s left of this week now.
Hi Adrienne ,
Thanks for the warm reception. Babanature’s blog is fantastic and I am grateful for the opportunity given. Well, I always try to create my rules and define my path with conscious planing, then if I fail or succeed, I accept total responsibility.
I never saw guest posting as a great way of driving traffic like many internet marketers will suggest, hence the reason why I never gave it a thought. I can’t deny the fact that it releases you to new faces like yourself but guest posting has been abused in the last few years.
The only thing that forced me to write two guest posts out of a very tight schedule was because I didn’t want to be a lazy blogger :D. I realized there could be an awkward moment, when someone ask if I could provide links to my guest post and when it becomes unavailable, it might be embarrassing.
Building a step by step plan and taking action at the right moment is a big step in a blogging journey. A lifetime journey.
Best regards from I. C. Daniel
Hello Daniel,
You are absolutely correct, why most blogs fail is because there is no plan. A plan requires a SYSTEM – Saving You Stress, Time, Energy and Money.
Hello Nosa E Nosa,
Just like Babanature you also write from your heart and hence it reaches the readers well. Nice post. Yes, I also want to quit my very well paying job and want to be a full time blogger. I have just started the building of my blog, brick by brick and once a good structure takes shape, may be I would call quits to my job. Touch wood!
Have a good day 🙂
Hello Lalitha,
Thanks alot, Babanature is pure class. I haven’t reached my target yet but everything seem to working according to my thoughts.
Dumping your high-paying job isn’t a bad idea, but before you do that make sure your blog provide a life-time income.
Have a nice day friend. 🙂
Wow! I must confess..Nosa you really did a great job bringing up this post it really help alot Thanks Alot!
Thanks alot Samwhizzy,
I am happy you can learn a few things from it.
Hi Nosa,
You’re right to point out that blogging is no easy option and having the right mindset is crucial – it certainly is important to keep your spirits high and the support of other bloggers can really help with that. Like Harleena, I’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of time just commenting can take. I did one guest post some time back and may do more in future, time permitting.
I agree entirely with Daniel’s point about the importance of having a plan – you need to think strategically, or there’s a risk you just get bogged down in all the day to day activities that blogging entails, without really knowing where you’re heading.
Hi Susan,
I understand you quite alright, blogging consumes alot of one time and one has to decide how to manage time otherwise, the real social-life would be lost as I have lost mine. I have trying to get it back though, as I have started visiting and hanging-out with some few friends.. 😀
Daniel, I must confess to u that this masterpiece is a great resource and as further ignited the passion to write a guest blog.
Babanatute actually have me the opportunity to submit one or two somtimes this month but I haven’t yet gotten back to him, I just hope the opportunity is still open to me. If not, you’ll have to plead on my behalf.
Boss, I indeed give kudos to you. Thumbs for you Bro and I will make sure I make a visit to ur blog whenever am on PC. Thanks
Hi Sam,
I am glad you have ignited the passion in you. Babanature seem to be a very nice dude and I believe he won’t shut the door at your guest post.
Thanks for reading
Hey Nosa,
I like when you said “If all you care about is money and spamming the web with fake contents, you will never have an authority and your reputation will be dumped in a lagoon” ….
This is very true if you want to be successful at blogging. You want to concentrate your efforts on your readers. You make or break yourself depending on the content you put out. It’s either going to be attractive or a repellant. The choice is yours.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Smith,
That’s the point, I would confess that when I first started blogging 6-years ago, ctrl-c and ctrl-v were my best friends but nothing came out of it. Then I knew I had to develop my writing skills and be creative if I ever wanted to stand-out in the blogosphere.
HI, Nosa,
I must say nice blog and well written up. In the initial phase of blogging, Bloggers finds themselves in great confusion about what and how to to attract more reader and establish themselves as pro-blogger. I am also in my initial phase and I am going through same situation. I stooped by here and meet the solution. Thank You for the sharing. Keep It Up.
Hello Nosa,
I love this piece. Well articulated. I have always loved blogging. Maybe one day I will enter into it full time. Meanwhile, I wish you a blissful blogging career.