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Three things that can make you an Inferior Blogger

Since I have been blogging, I have always been blogging with passion but along the way, I felt depressed and bad in one way or another. I felt inferior and kind of unsuccessful, whenever I read posts of many pro bloggers with numerous comments on their post; I see other pro bloggers commenting on that blog. Anytime I see this, I’ll say to myself, “It’s only pro bloggers that connect and comment with other pro bloggers”. Not until my intuition changed, my mind set changed about it and the spirit of Inferiority Complex left. Some of the things I realized and changed will be discussed shortly in the journey of this post.


Inferiority Complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt, uncertainty and feelings of not measuring up to society’s standards. I will not like to say there is a standard you must meet as a blogger, the only thing you need is a great content and a good connection, after that, traffic problem is solved and you earn money.

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I am sure you have been waiting to read those things that can make you an inferior blogger, so let’s get started.

Not believing in yourself

In anything you do in life, you must first believe in yourself, which includes blogging. As a blogger the first step to failure is “not believing” in yourself, which must be dealt with. Otherwise you cannot go far in your blogging career. Not believing in yourself can lead to inferiority complex on your part. This is when you want to be like others simply because they are successful but it is not possible. If you keep copying others, you will never create a brand for yourself.

The first step to overcoming this challenge is been positive. Do not be afraid to fail, always remember that FAIL means First Attempt Is Life. So if you fail today, you should keep trying because, real Failure is when you stop trying and you accept defeat. The people you so envy today, started like you, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

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Another thing you should keep in mind is that if you don’t believe in yourself, no other person can believe in you, and always know that no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. It is high time you said to yourself: “THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN PULL ME DOWN IS MYSELF, AND I’M NOT GOING TO LET MYSELF PULL ME DOWN ANYMORE.” (C. JoyBell C).

Lack of Good Blogging Knowledge

Sometimes last week or there about I was reading on WHO IS A BLOGGER by Kerbalah, I learnt from it and I will like you to go through it also. A good knowledge or understanding about blogging is important, if you venture into a blogging career just because others are taking it as a career and you don’t have the wide or rich knowledge they have, then it will be impossible to see yourself as a unique blogger.

The popular saying that knowledge is power is true. When you know and very sure of what you are doing, who will question you, or who will make you feel inferior, but when you don’t know and you are not sure of what you even know, then when anyone tell you lies, you fall into the trap and causes you trouble.

Poor or No Relationship with Bloggers

The saying, “No man is an island of Knowledge” should not be waved aside as a good blogger, who want to make impact in blogosphere. When you don’t associate with other bloggers,you can never learn from their mistakes and their blogging testimonies.

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It is often said that the mistakes of others when avoided will make you better. If you don’t want to feel inferior as a blogger, you need to learn from other bloggers, their challenges and how they overcame, the loop-holes you need to fill, the blunders you need not to make. By so doing, you will find yourself reaching the great height in blogging as you have always wanted.

One of the ways of overcoming Poor or No relationship with bloggers is by Connecting with other bloggers on Social Networks likes Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. Make sure you get acquainted with them, do not ask provoking questions like “How do I get Traffic” and other shits. Another way is by sharing there blog posts or articles with your friends and network.

These are some of the things the newbie bloggers don’t take into consideration. Follow this three steps and I am sure you will be good if not better blogger.

Over To You

Looks like Miracle have said so much about so much on today’s topic right? now let’s pass the keyboard to you guys…

Do you have questions, comments or thoughts you’d like to share with us? then please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, questions and thoughts are highly welcomed and much appreciated.

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38 thoughts on “Three things that can make you an Inferior Blogger”

  1. Hi Miracle,

    Please welcome on board to Onenaijablog. Inferiority is one thing many continue to suffer. It is still imminent in our real life and not just in blogging.

    Having limiting believe is the number one cause as you rightly said. This was a great masterpiece and thanks for linking to my post, who is a blogger? Anyway, the name is Kabenlah not Kerbalah.

  2. Hi Miracle, and welcome to Babanature’s blog 🙂

    You raised some very good points about what makes bloggers inferior – it’s their thoughts about themselves. You are what you think as they say, and it entirely lies in your hands as how you think of yourself to be. If you feel you aren’t all that good – then move ahead and make the efforts to get better! I think as long as you keep striving to achieve – you are paving your way towards success, isn’t it?

    Yes, knowledge is power, so the more of it you can get, the better. And if you are a blogger and now building relationships with fellow bloggers, I wonder how you’d your circle of friends and blog community. I sure am lucky to have such wonderful blogging friends in mine 🙂

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead, both of you 🙂

  3. Hey Miracle ,
    These three points are right on top and interlinked.
    As a matter of fact, most of us need mind re-programing. If you think low of yourself, so shall you be in society.

    We have to work hard to acquire the knowledge that’s required to grow in blogging (and that’s true in any other industry) and of course maintaining a healthy relationship with others in the blogging industry is crucial.

    thanks for publishing on this and do have a wonderful week

    1. Muki, I think re-programming is indeed necessary like you suggested. A man or woman that always look down on himself or herself will be down-casted and will never rise until that mind is re-programmed. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Newbie bloggers don’t read such posts, they only read how to make money blogging fast :))
    When they see no money in affiliate accounts start that “summertime sadness”
    Hope to see you often buddy, Babanature’s blog is among the best on my list.

    1. Daniel, you just made your point. Newbie bloggers are just interested in money and traffic, they neglect the simple things that can generate that for them. You will always see Daniel, Thanks for your comment.

  5. Hey Babanature
    A hard life we have as bloggers indeed.
    But one thing that has helped me a lot of the last year is relationships.
    I am now trying to expand this even further and take my blogging to the next level.
    Even if you have great content if no one is spreading it or reading it you are dead in the water!


    1. Ashley, that is true, the people that can help you spread out your post are those you have in your relationship circle. So make sure you increase the circumference of your circle .lol. Thanks buddy

  6. I would add one more.. Lack of passion. if you don’t have passion you will not work hard. Agree about believing in yourself, this is one of the most important characteristics every blogger should possess. Nice post Mate.

    1. Ranjan, I agree with your point about Passion. Passion is a driving force, an inner driving force, some are now driven by money. When that money stop flowing, they feel depressed and later quit blogging, but when driven with passion, you will continue even when you are depressed. Thanks for stopping by mate.

  7. Hi Miracle, and welcome to Babanature’s blog!

    I’m glad you shared your experience with us but I can say from my own personal experience that having a positive attitude isn’t enough. I’m one of the most positive people you’ll ever meet but when I first started my journey I didn’t have confidence in myself that I would have any success because I was overwhelmed with everything. It’s not that I didn’t believe in myself but this is a process and anyone who tells you that blogging is easy is lying.

    You most definitely have got to learn the ropes. As I said, it’s not just about throwing up a blog and start writing because those who have been here awhile know all the behind the scenes things that have to take place.

    I did soon learn though that I had the most success through the relationships I was able to form. My goodness, the people I’ve met, the knowledge I’ve picked up and the relationships I’ve been able to make. We cannot do this alone and we’ll soon find we need some friends to help us through some things.

    Once again, great advice you shared my friend and I wish you all the success that this venture has to offer.


    1. Adrienne, learning is everyday. Everyday you learn new things about blogging, more rules and creativity. The greenhorn bloggers just think blogging is about installing WordPress on an hosting platform and that writing articles.

      Confidence is another great point, when you implement some thing that has not implemented and people try to accuse you, you should be able to defend the reason for implementing that concept. Thanks Adrienne for your Contribution.

  8. Hello Miracle,

    There are a plethora of reasons as to why a blogger would fail. However, the ones you’ve shared here are in my estimation, classical!

    You see, every problogger you see today was once an amateur. Infact, most of them were ten times worse than some newbies! My advice is always to give the system sometime before giving up!

    I really love the tone of this entry…keep it up!


    1. You are correct TerunGwa. The so-called pro-blogger started as greenhorn and now they are doing great. I have meet with one that failed several times just because he was not confident and people question is approaches to blogging and he had to adapt to that, but now he’s doing great. Thanks for contributing.

  9. heyy Miracle,
    Being a newbie somitimes I too feel like an inferior blogger. Sometime I think to end up with blogging but after reading this awesome article I think not to do so as blogging takes time to give active return. I truly agree with you that one should be social as it is a must for a blog to survive. Thanks for sharing this ultimate tips. Eagerly waiting for your next post.

    Stay blessed. Have a great day 🙂

    1. Wow, I am really glad this article will make you continue in blogging, don’t try to end up with blogging for another job because no job is easy, you just have to make more connections and you will get it right. Nikhil, thanks for contributing.

  10. Hey Miracle,

    I do have to say that I wish that I read this post when I first started. It was pretty tough for me since I didn’t have the confidence, the knowledge, and didn’t know anyone that was blogging. My mentor at the time just told me to take the bull by the horn and just run with it.

    But this is definitely a great share for those newbie bloggers. It does take a lot of self confidence to really stick with it. Yes you’ll have people that will just criticize you without it being constructive. This is why it’s important to hang around other bloggers who have similar goals as you. From my experience other bloggers have been the most uplifting and supportive on the internet. I can’t get enough of their positive energy!

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Sherman, that is another thing o, Blogging Mentor is good but choosing the right one is best, because they are possible to mislead one, just because they don’t want your success. Anyway, you are kicking and well great in blogging now, you should encourage people that wants you to become there mentor. Make it easy for others to relate with you. Thanks for contributing.

  11. Hey Miracle!

    Nice to see such a great post from your side. You explained us a lot in a short guest post!

    Its true that I feel depressed sometimes, just because I lack traffic. I have plenty of post ideas. All what I lack is audience. The major reason behind this is tough competition. Being a tech blogger, I face stiff competition from other millions of blogs who have almost the same type of content as mine……

    Now I have learnt not to give up! I will rise up and promote my blog better!

    Thank you for such great article

    1. I understand how you feel Yashraj, especially blogging on technology niche. You just have to create your brand and your audience, those are the people that will be in your relationship circlea and make sure your confidence is gallant. I’m glad the article as motivated you never to give up. Thanks for contributing mate.

  12. Nice to meet ya, Miracle!

    I think the best way to approach this is stop caring about what others think.

    We are not what others think. We are what we do – and if we try to go by others’ expectations, we will only end our time, and our life.

    Lack of knowledge – I don’t think this necessarily makes you an inferior blogger…the problem with established bloggers is that they know too much. They find it hard to think outside of the constraints (imaginary) they have set for them and their blogs (Following a blogger, or a few isn’t going to work out…we need to make gain our own understanding – of blogging and of all concepts associated with blogging).

    Constraints, rules are whatever you want to call it…sure, some are useful, but others are meant to break them. Stand apart 😀

    Anyways, thank you for sharing this, Miracle!

    1. Jeevan, you made a good point, but when a student don’t know what is been taught in class, do you know the student will not be able to voice out in class?, he or she feels inferior. I understand you, but inadeqaute knowledge also causes inferiority complex. Thanks for stopping by mate

  13. Hey Miracle, and welcome to Babanature’s great blog – it’s nice to read your work here. 🙂

    When I saw the headline I was bit skeptical as I hate to read such crafted headlines as they don’t usually provide what they promise.

    But yours is way different as you’ve herein done great justice to the Topiic. An impressive discuss.

    So Miracle, I read the post with keen interest to see whether I was suffering from inferiority complex. Well, I don’t think so. 🙂

    Harleena, Atish and the other distinguish fellows had shared awesome feedbacks and I second all of them but I also must submit my take. Its important, right?

    So here’s it:

    1. Not Believing in yourself: Now this was the most critical of all the three points you shared, bro and I so resonated with it.

    Why wouldn’t I? When I knew what it is to have failed in blogging. I stated my first blog with blogspot back in 2011 but I was a total failure owing to the fact that I didn’t believe in myself.

    I was too afraid to take risk, which if taken at the time would have registered my name as a pro blogger by now.

    I think the importance of believing in oneself could be more expressed in the success of my blog – Pro Motivator. I was barely striking three months when I started to enjoy success, from mentions to being interviewed and then a blogger wrote a whole article about my “commenting competence”.

    All this was as a result of believing in myself – I believed I have a story which needed to be shared with the world and share I must. That was it!

    2. Lack of blogging Knowledge: Indeed bloggers perish/quit because of the lack of blogging knowledge.

    You’ve got to know the rudiments/iotas of blogging through and though if you were to achieve anything worthwhile as a blogger.

    When I was starting my main blog – Pro Motivator. I was ready to give it all it takes to succeed at it that I had to give myself to endless study and scrutiny of any piece of writing that has to do with blogging.

    Many of the books/ebooks/posts I read at the time deals with “how to start a blog and become successful at it”.

    No wonder why I enjoyed quick success. 🙂

    3. Lack of connection: Connection if I’m not mistaken is the singular thing that brought about those quick successes and that has kept me till now in this blogosphere.

    I learned the importance of an “healthy relationships” from my many visits to Madam Adrienne’s fantastic blog – and this was in my early days of coming back to blogging actively.

    This point trust me cannot be over emphasized. I could even wake up tomorrow morning and write an ebook about it if I want.

    That’s about what I had to share, let’s say I had just buttress all your three points or what do you think.

    However, I have another one I’d love to had to it and that’s what I like to call “A Burning Desire”.

    What is a burning desire? Good question!

    Well, a burning desire simply means wanting something badly that you would go any length to having it. It could also mean “Passion”.

    Passion is highly critical when it comes to succeeding in life’s endeavor.

    The moment I lost my passion towards blogging – my drive. That was the moment every of the engagement on my blog stared to reduce and comments was no longer coming that I became so frustrated and perplexed to think of quitting my first love.

    Thanks to my connection, the likes of Sue Neal, Temilola, Nosa, Bello, Abraham, Nwosu, Joseph, Babanature and many of them.

    Babanature took it upon himself to lecture me and motivate me back into my “blogging mojo” via BBM and even decided to write a post about it.

    Again, the importance of connection was well expressed by this blogging virtuoso – Babanature.

    Just before I wrap up my thoughts, the truth is I’ve never seen any man who has achieved greater heights in life’s endeavor who doesn’t have something that drives him, something as in Passion.

    Let me stop here else my comment will total the number of your post and I don’t like that.

    So dude, you shared an amazing masterpiece, and I must commend and thank you for sharing with this great community.

    Hope to see you around again – you should have a magical Friday! 😀


    1. Wow, you really lectured me. lol. Sam I am glad knowing you on babanature’s blog and other dignities. I am also glad you were not disappointed and discouraged by the title. It is true that there are several title that looks interesting but the content is the opposite.

      Like you summarized my article on relationship, relationship is one thing I cherish most. Passion is also another issue i love in you comment, I will add inner passion, intrinsic passion, that is passion driven from the inner man, not by money, the inner passion will really help in blogging career.

      Thanks for contributing Sam.

      1. Awwwh…… thought it was a lecture? Funny you boss. I think the reverse is the case cause you sir did succeeded in lecturing us all here in this post and we all love and simply resonated with it. Just what it deserves, isn’t it?

        And yeah….your headline was great and it did reflected all through the post itself, which is absolutely great! You know unlike other lying bloggers.

        yeah..relationship is a key ingredient in any successful enterprise. Just that simple. While passion on the other hand is for me the first key ingredient of every worthwhile dream. Do you think I’m right boss Miracle?


  14. Hey Miracle,

    This is a very good post, you have written from your heart.

    Agreed about the inferiority complex, surely when we see popular bloggers – it seems like they are miles ahead. However, don’t let that stop you from doing your bit. Keep blogging, and soon your blog will be pretty much as big as theirs.

    Best of luck for your blogging career,
    Uttoran Sen,

    PS. Do update your bio – seems like the link to your blog is not working in the bio.

  15. Blogging is not a difficult one for even freshers also.Inferior blogger doesn’t meant to say that the person having lack of knowledge or to live a depress or mental stress life.Just take inspiration from great blogger and follow their rules and steps.soon you will also a master of SEO.

    1. You made a nice point but forgot that following the steps of other pro bloggers entails a wide relationship. Build the relationship and they will help you out. Thanks for stopping by Rachel.

  16. Hi Babanature, thanks for giving us Miracle as a special gift. The young man really put is whole into writing this content.

    Inferiority complex is a plague that affect many of us when starting out with blogging. And untill you come to understand that sometimes, you just have to claim something and act like you’re just what you claim, there won’t be a success.

    Am not saying you should “fake it, till you achieve it”, but you have to believe in yourself and join other bloggers, interact with them, build trust, connections and long lasting relationship.

    I have one that is really paying off at the moment and wish to extend it further by networking with other bloggers. And hope people like you, (Babanature)will be a great place to start with. Thank you, and do have a nice day. My regards to Miracle Ayodele.

  17. Shamsudeen, you made a good contribution. Inferiority complex is really a plague. Also ensure you increase your association with more bloggers like Babanature. I will also like to connect with you too. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Miracle, good to see you here on Babanature’s blog. All the three points you mentioned are really important and must not be waved aside with the back of the hand. But let me quickly add that one way to feel inferior is for you to never update yourself. If you fail to acquire new knowledge about your niche, you would soon find out you are outdated and stagnant. This is one sure way to feel inferior when others are making their impacts. You simply get lost in the crowd and don’t know what to contribute.

    Lacking special skills: apart from updating yourself, you need to have some basic skills that should help you fit properly into blogging. If you keep running to people and looking helpless each time there is a minor issue with your blog, at a point it is going to reduce your confidence level. So the earlier you acquired the basic skills required to personally run your blog, the better for you.

    Now if your blog lacks engagement, it is going to raise some doubts within you as to whether you are actually a good writer. Perhaps you have written what you felt was a great post and several weeks after, nobody has left a comment on the post, it would sure make you feel you are not good enough.

    Having said that, you must never allow yourself to be caught in the web of inferiority complex. Everything in life has it’s time. All the Probloggers you see out there passed through this stage (at least a significant number of them). But maintaining your focus would help you concentrate on getting those important things that would put you on the road to progress.

    Thanks once again. Best of regards.

  19. i think we have to be strict at times, i agree with you miracle for this post. one of the major characteristics of successful blogger i noticed is that they always build/have connection with other bloggers. For the other Point; Not being yourself, without further ado, that was my major problems i personally face. i worry toomuch of things and endup with wrong mindset due to the kind of advice, do this and that which i never taught of myself. but now, i think i’ve started fixing that part.

    1. Emmanuel it is cool you noticed that aspect in you, listen to advice also filter advice. i listen much to advice bit filter them. check if that idea is good for you, the fact that it was good for A does not mean it is best for B. Thanks for Commenting dude.

  20. I hope you guys don’t mind my late coming habit.
    Hi, emmanuel I just learned something from your post, its nice reading your post.

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