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How to Reset Canon Printer? — Fixing Your Canon Printer With Ease

How to reset canon printer

Resetting your Canon printer may become necessary for various reasons, such as resolving technical issues, clearing error messages, or restoring factory settings. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of resetting your Canon printer, ensuring you can easily get back to producing high-quality prints. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned printer user, this step-by-step tutorial will provide all the information you need.

Why Reset Your Canon Printer?

Before we dive into the reset process, let’s understand why you might need to reset your Canon printer:

  • Technical Glitches: Resetting can help resolve various technical issues, such as paper jams, software errors, or connectivity problems.
  • Error Messages: Some error messages can be cleared by resetting the printer. This can save you from the frustration of dealing with cryptic codes.
  • Factory Settings: If you want to restore your printer to its original factory settings, a reset is the way to go.
  • Network Changes: Resetting network settings is essential if you’ve changed your Wi-Fi network or are experiencing connectivity issues.

What To Do Before Resetting Process?

Before you begin the reset process, it’s crucial to prepare adequately:

  • Backup: If your printer stores important data, consider backing it up before resetting.
  • Manual: Locate your printer’s manual or user guide. It can be a valuable resource for reset instructions specific to your Canon printer model.
  • Power and Connectivity: Ensure your printer is connected to a power source and your computer or network (if applicable).

What Are The Primary Type Of Resets?

Canon printers offer two primary types of resets: soft and hard resets.

  • Soft Reset: This is a simple restart of the printer. It can help resolve minor issues like paper jams or temporary glitches without affecting your settings.
  • Hard Reset: A hard reset erases all custom settings and returns the printer to its default factory state. Use this option when dealing with more persistent problems.

How to Perform a Soft Reset

A soft reset is usually the first step in troubleshooting. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Turn Off the Printer: Press the power button to turn off your Canon printer.
  2. Unplug the Power Cord: Disconnect the printer from the power source and wait for about 30 seconds.
  3. Reconnect and Turn On: Plug the power cord back in and turn on the printer by pressing the power button.
  4. Test: Print a test page to check if the issue has been resolved.

How to Perform a Hard Reset

If the soft reset didn’t solve your problem, it may be time for a hard reset. Remember that this will erase all custom settings and return the printer to its factory defaults. Here’s how:

  1. Turn Off the Printer: Press the power button to turn off your Canon printer.
  2. Press and Hold Resume Button: Locate the “Resume” button on your printer (it may also be labeled as “Cancel” or “Stop/Reset”). Press and hold this button.
  3. Power On While Holding: While still holding the “Resume” button, press and hold the power button. Keep both buttons held down for about 10 seconds.
  4. Release the Buttons: Let go of both buttons simultaneously.
  5. Factory Reset Complete: Your printer should now reset to its factory settings. Follow the initial setup prompts on your printer’s display.

Resetting Network Settings

If you need to reset your printer’s network settings, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Menu: Using the printer’s control panel, navigate to the “Setup” or “Settings” menu.
  2. Select Network Settings: Locate and select “Network Settings” or a similar option.
  3. Reset Network: Choose the “Reset Network Settings” or “Reset LAN Settings” option.
  4. Confirm: Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm the network reset.
  5. Reconfigure: After the reset, you’ll need to reconnect your printer to your Wi-Fi network by entering the network credentials.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter when resetting your Canon printer and how to address them:

  • Error Codes Persist: If error codes continue to appear after a reset, consult your printer’s manual or contact Canon support for guidance.
  • Ink or Cartridge Problems: If you face issues with ink cartridges after a reset, ensure they are properly installed and have enough ink.
  • Paper Jams: Clear any paper jams carefully before and after the reset.
  • Wi-Fi Connection Issues: Double-check your Wi-Fi network settings, password, and signal strength. Reset the network settings if necessary.


Q1: Is resetting my Canon printer safe?

A1: Yes, resetting your Canon printer is generally safe. Soft resets, like restarting your computer, clear temporary issues. However, a hard reset erases custom settings and returns the printer to factory defaults, so make sure you’re prepared to reconfigure your printer if you choose this option.

Q2: How often should I reset my Canon printer?

A2: You should only reset your Canon printer when you encounter persistent issues that can’t be resolved through other troubleshooting steps. Frequent resets can disrupt your workflow and are generally unnecessary.

Q3: Will a reset delete my print job queue?

A3: A soft reset typically won’t affect your print job queue. However, a hard reset can clear the print job queue along with all other custom settings. Be cautious when performing a hard reset.

Q4: Can I reset my Canon printer remotely over a network connection?

A4: In most cases, you’ll need physical access to the printer to perform a reset. Network-related resets can sometimes be initiated through the printer’s control panel, but major resets often require direct interaction.

Q5: Will resetting my printer affect my ink cartridges or toner levels?

A5: Resetting your printer itself won’t affect ink or toner levels. However, if you’re experiencing issues with your cartridges, resetting may not resolve them. Ensure your cartridges are properly installed and have sufficient ink or toner.

Q6: Do I need to reinstall the printer driver after a reset?

A6: It’s possible that a hard reset could remove your printer driver. After a hard reset, you may need to reinstall the driver on your computer to ensure proper communication with the printer. Soft resets typically don’t impact printer drivers.

Q7: Can I reset my printer without losing my Wi-Fi settings?

A7: For network-related issues, you may try a network settings reset first. This should reset network settings while preserving other printer configurations. However, a hard reset will erase all settings, including Wi-Fi information.

Q8: Are there any alternatives to resetting my Canon printer?

A8: Yes, before opting for a reset, try other troubleshooting steps such as checking for paper jams, updating firmware, and cleaning printheads. Additionally, Canon’s official support resources and customer service can provide guidance for specific issues.

Q9: How can I prevent the need for frequent resets?

A9: Regular maintenance, such as keeping the printer clean, using high-quality paper, and ensuring cartridges are in good condition, can help prevent the need for frequent resets. Updating firmware and drivers can also address software-related issues.

Q10: Where can I find model-specific reset instructions?

A10: Model-specific reset instructions can usually be found in your Canon printer’s user manual or on the official Canon website. Canon’s customer support can also provide guidance tailored to your specific model.

Remember, when in doubt, it’s a good practice to consult your printer’s manual or seek assistance from Canon’s official support channels to ensure you’re performing the right reset procedure for your particular Canon printer model and issue.


Resetting your Canon printer can be a straightforward process if you follow these steps carefully. Whether you need a soft reset to clear minor glitches or a hard reset to restore factory settings, this guide has provided you with the knowledge to tackle various printer issues effectively.

Remember to consult your printer’s manual or Canon’s official website for model-specific instructions and troubleshooting tips. If you encounter persistent problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to Canon’s customer support for expert assistance.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Canon printer continues to produce high-quality prints without unnecessary disruptions.


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