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Top 7 Tips for Blogging Success

Blogging has become an essential part of online marketing strategy. One of the best strategies to attract a potential customer is to start blogging along the line of your business offerings. While a few people can set up a blogging system and create the blog posts for their business effectively, most people are not creative in doing so.

Blogging tips

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Today, a lot of expert bloggers have filled the cyberspace with their super-attractive blog posts on different niches. And, you really need to be extra-creative to compete favorably with such blog pros. So, before you rush off to build your own blogging system and start creating blog posts, you need to ask yourself the following questions;

1.     How Do I make my own blog posts stand out from the rest?

2.     How can I make my blogs compelling enough, so that readers can yearn for more?

3.     How can I raise the number of readers eventually and ultimately build a loyal following?

You need to answer these vital questions before going into blogging. This is the only way to guarantee successful blogging. Luckily, you don’t need to tease your brain in order to unravel the answers to these questions. This article is entirely dedicated to powerful tips for successful blogging and you would definitely find all the answers to these questions in this post. You will find tons of blogging tips and tricks in this post that would help build your profile and generate more businesses for you.

Here are the best 7 tips and tricks for successful blogging;

Tip #1: Choose a Blogging Platform

When getting started with blogging, the first step is to choose a blogging platform. Usually, the first thing that would come to mind is the list of free blogging options out there which includes WordPress, TypePad, Tumblr and Blogger. All these free options provide versatile design templates or themes at no cost. Subsequently, customizing your own blog becomes an easy task. If you think you would require additional help in order to use these free blogging tools, you will find lots of helpful resources such as online video tutorials. WordPress in particular has created a profound tutorial for using its blogging tool. So, anyone can take advantage of such resources to hone up his or her skills in using the blogging system.

Tip #2: Integration is Essential

If you have an existing website, it is very essential to integrate your blog with the website. This is an essential SEO strategy. When you do this, you are attracting the attention of both organic and secondary search engines, as long as your contents are valuable and highly informative. Alternatively, you can simply embed the links to your main website on your blog, including links from authority websites. However, ensure that the links (especially external links) are relevant to the central theme or main keyword of your website.

Tip #3: Specialize on a Niche

When it comes to creative blogging, one of the best ways to be successful is to choose your niche of specialty. Instead of blogging just on any subject, choose a particular subject and create powerful posts in line with your chosen niche. This is another secret to attracting the attention of search engines positively. Also, it is the fastest way to build a loyal and targeted following.

Tip #4: Write about Something You have Passion for

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If you truly want to stand out with your blog posts, choose a topic you are passionate about. You will flow naturally and produce irresistible contents when you choose an area of your passion. If there is no passionate tone in your blogs, readers will detect it too soon and would look elsewhere. This is the reason why so many blogs fizzle out too soon. For instance, if you are a programming guru, write informative posts in this line, focusing on helpful tips, ‘how to’, emerging trends and more. Integrating some graphical and video samples would also be very helpful.

Tip #5: Provide Value

If you produce shallow posts just like many bloggers out there, your blog will fizzle out too soon. Readers are only attracted to valuable content. Ensure that a reader will leave your blog/ website feeling fulfilled and satisfied with the quality of information he or she explored – this is what real value is all about. It is this type of content that compels a visitor to come again and again.

Tip #6: Don’t Lose Sight of Marketing

If you are launching a blog/ website with the intention of leaving it to ‘chances’, such blog/ website cannot outlive 24-hours. You need to consciously market your blog in order to attract the right audience. There are varieties of ways you can get the message out there about your blog. One of the effective strategies is to comment on other bloggers’ posts, especially the posts in line with your niche. This will attract tons of pointers to your own blog/ website.

You can also leverage the social networking sites to spread the word about your blogs. However, you need to be very tactful when marketing on social networking sites. Avoid using sales pitch. Remember, such sites are purely socializing platforms and people are more interested in making new friends and socializing. Whichever strategy you choose, just ensure you are spreading the word about your blog.

Tip #7: Give Room for Interaction

Don’t just end your blog posts without any call to action. Ask your readers to leave comments and share the post if they found it interesting/helpful. These are great ways to initiate interactions and to engage people on your blog site. Also, it is an easy way to build a community and establish loyal followers. Also, don’t forget to ask readers for their own inputs. People love it when you ask for their inputs and contributions. Subsequently, they will prefer to stick with you and help share your posts.

Must Read: How To Enable Google Plus Comment Box On Blogger Blog

Okay guys! it looks like i have said so much about so much, now i’d really love some interactions and contributions from you guys. Let’s make this post as lively as ever 🙂

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49 thoughts on “Top 7 Tips for Blogging Success”

  1. Hi Seun, and welcome to Babanature’s blog 🙂

    Gosh! I am seeing you ALL over the place nowadays!

    Coming to the post, yes indeed, these are all the perfect tips everyone should follow for their blogging success. It reminded me of the time when I started blogging and had NO idea where to start off from because I was not a blogger, nor did I have any friends in the Blogosphere. I guess being a professional writer – you are in your own creative world of words 🙂

    That resulted in me starting my blogs on the free Blogger platform, which I didn’t know wasn’t as good as the premium paid WordPress ones. All of this I learnt much later through my blogging friends and their posts. I was a fast learner and switched over, and there’s been no looking back now.

    I agree on all of your points, especially the niche one, which is very important. However, I started off with a different niche for my blog, but changed it later after seeing he response on the posts I wrote. And it’s worked for me so far (touch wood!)

    Yes indeed, if you are passionate about what you write, you will write valuable content, and that’s sure to attract people. I guess anything written from the heart works well.:)

    I better end here, or else it might land up to be another mini post here too. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice day, both of you 🙂

    1. Oluwaseun Babajide

      You know this is a small community, so I have nowhere to hide! 😀
      Starting is always challenging. We all have to learn the hard way. I am happy that you did not give up along the way. This is one of my favorite quotes by Winston Churchill “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
      I started writing about Solutions to Africa problem. I switched because I wasn’t getting attention. Niche matters. I will advice new bloggers to focus more on this.
      It will be nice if you can put together your blogging journey to date. I am sure we all have one or two things to learn from you. I am happy to take this as a guest post 🙂
      Glad you enjoyed reading this post and thanks for sharing!

      1. Hey Babajide, I never knew you’ve being in this blogosphere for long.
        I for instance was very much interested in poetry and it’s hurt me very much to see it now at the back burner.

        Your post is indeed well written and very insightful.

        1. Oluwaseun Babajide

          Thanks for your support. I am been able to network very well in this industry.
          See you around bro.

    1. Oluwaseun Babajide

      Thanks Rahul. Still struggling to get through to you on Google+
      I think we should continue our conversation on Facebook, what do you think?

  2. Hey Chief,
    I don’t know exactly what i will use to qualify this post of yours man. Its really an epic shit… Lol.

    Man, one thing is creating a blog and the other is creating a successful blog now, those are totally 2 different things in my own opinion. I think the later is the most important because, its not just a matter of creating the blog, the question is thus….. Is your blog worth it?

    I think it goes a long way to say that you really have to map out an effective plan before thinking of starting a blog.

    Thanks for sharing my man.

    1. Oluwaseun Babajide

      I still ask myself that same question, Is your blog worth it? Out of all the stuffs on the list, marketing is still the KEY. This is what I am currently working on. How can you market your blog?.. Guest blogging, advertise in newspapers, giving out leaflets etc After marketing, then we can go back to that question, Is your blog worth it?
      I agree with your points, you have made valuable points here.
      Thanks for stopping by Boss!

  3. Hi Oluwaseun,
    You’ve just written a really amazing post here. One thing i quite agree with is blogging on a niche you’re very good at. This alone will take care of about 70% of the work because, you will not find it difficult at all to be updating your blog with fresh and unique content on a regular basis.

    But, when you went and started a blog on a niche you no little to nothing about, if care is not taking, you will soon lose focus.

    Its also advisable that you blog on one niche at a time that is, targeting a particular niche per blog instead of having a generic blog.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Well written friend! Indeed if you want to have a successful blog write the content for the people and not for google or any other search engine!

  5. Hi Oluwaseun,

    I love the passion side of things. Be passionate and good things will happen for you as a blogger. You never run out of ideas to write about and never worry about writer’s block.

    If you do not feel passionate about blogging, stop bothering with blogging. I wasted stretches of my online career, really, because I would have been better served resting during these times instead of blogging….I lost the fire. Thank goodness, the fire is back 😉


    1. Oluwaseun Babajide

      Pleased to meet you! Thanks for your words of encouragement. This is what keeps me going.
      I have nothing to add to your points, they are just spot on. Am glad to let the dragon out of you again 😀

  6. Hi Oluwaseun,

    Funny running into you again. Welcome to Babanature’s blog and another great topic. I mean we do love our blogging right!

    So I’ll agree with you on all topics accept the passion one. I know that people tell us all the time to venture into a niche or start a blog on a topic that we’re passionate about. So if I would have done that then I wouldn’t be here because I didn’t have anything I was passionate about when I started. I hadn’t heard all the tips of being able to write at least 50 posts on the topic that you’ll be blogging about. I mean had I known all of that when I started I probably wouldn’t have.

    I stumbled into this totally blind not having a clue what I was doing. That’s why it took me so long to get to where I am now because I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. I fell into writing about blogging, building traffic to your blog and relationships. Those just happened to be areas that people wanted to know about and I was learning.

    So I agree that we should all have some type of plan but we also know that most people end up changing directions either mid way or later after having started their blog. It just happens.

    So there is my two cents worth anyway. lol…

    Great to see you again and you guys have an awesome weekend.


    1. Oluwaseun Babajide

      Good to see you again and thanks for the warm welcome.
      Yes, I am everywhere these days. My plan this year is to be on everyone’s blog 😀 Be prepared to see more of me!
      I have to write an eBook about your experience, very interesting and motivating. The good thing here is that you finally fell into writing about blogging, building traffic and relationships. This is what we all need and this is why we are following your footsteps.
      I can now conclude that your two cents is worth millions of pounds.
      Thanks a million!

    2. Hi Adrienne, I respectfully disagreed with you in my comment below. I truly believe you have to blog about something you’re passionate about. I also believe you discovered your passion through blogging!

  7. If we want to make money and make our blogs outstanding we need these blogging tips thanks for sharing brother 🙂

  8. This is a great list to follow, especially for those that are just starting. Numbers 4 through 7 stuck out to me because this through them, this is how you’re going to build a big audience. One thing I would add to your list is to state the purpose of your blog to your readers. You can have something like a “Table Of Contents” of what your blog is going to be about and what value you’ll bring. I would create a page for this or make a video. But besides that this post is right on point!

    Thanks for sharing Oluwaseun!

  9. Following these tips can definitely make any blog succeed. The best part is blogging in area you have passion for, that way you can never run out of ideas, you can produce the best contents and add to the quality of your blog and your readers will know that you know what you are talking about.

  10. Hi buddy!
    That is a wonderful write-up again!
    Most of us tend to ignore the need to include a CTA (Call To Action) at the end of the post.
    A powerful and thought provoking CTA can help increase social interaction on the blog. We all now how much importance the Big G attaches to strong social signals like these.
    Good you reminded us all about the need to do so! 🙂
    I can never get tired of reading you, Oluwaseun!!
    Thanks for this post, like always.

    1. Oluwaseun Babajide

      Thanks a bunch 🙂 I will start to include CTA at the end of my posts, i do not currently do this. Thank you so much for your valuable feedback.
      You always put a smile on my face 🙂

  11. Every blogger fail to succeed due to lack of experience, hard achievements, yes… blogging is a hard job if you take it serious. If someone start a blog he need a high quality guide with step by step instructions otherwise he will fail.

    This is my opinion about blogging. Best regards from I. C. Daniel

  12. Hi Oluwaseun,
    The #4th tip is a must for a blogger to get success in his career.
    It is must to follow the tips that you provided here.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Very nice post which would really helps to reach the success in blogging.

    Agree with your points, out of all, updating the blog with passionate and well-known subjects will help the bloggers to reach the attain the success easily.

    Am suggesting the bloggers that they should not write the unfamiliar information as this would result in loss of readers.

    Thanks for writing the useful post, continue the same 🙂

  14. After reading your post, I got too inspired that I started writing a blog post… you’ve don an awesome Job bro.

    keep it going.

  15. hi Oluwaseun Babajide this is just an amazing post i want to learn something like this is very interesting now i have to follow you to be successful blogger thanx fro nice post bookmarked..

  16. I think Blogging success is pretty wide meaning. If you like and enjoy what you are doing that it is already successful.. and if you get a bit of extra money it is double success, so, good blog is when its owner likes what he/she’s doing)

  17. Hi Oluwaseun, How great to see you over here at Babanature’s place!

    These are wonderful pointers for beginning bloggers. I have to agree with you, it’s confusing to figure out the different blogging platforms and which one is the best fit for you. I started out on TypePad until I had a friend steer me to WordPress. That’s the best advice she ever gave me (and she has given me plenty of good advice!).

    I agree with you and respectfully disagree with Adrienne. Blogging in your niche is key and you will do much better if you blog about something you love to learn about. I can’t read enough about tech, it’s so much fun! (I know, I’m weird that way…) So writing about tech and sharing my passion with others also seems thrilling. If I were writing about ice fishing, well that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun.

    I think Adrienne’s passion is engaging with others so in a way she is blogging about her passion!

  18. Well the first thing is will consider for blogging success is patience and hardwork. Secondly honesty is also an important factor in blogging.

    thanks for the great tips.

  19. I personally think that for obtaining success, we should try to provide quality content to our readers and maintain a healthy relation with them. We should frequently ask for the feedback and reply to the queries what our readers have. If these two criteria are fulfilled, the rest will be set all right on its own.

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