If you are that kind that loves simple design that also has style, you will know by now that mobilepress is the best mobile theme to run to give your mobile users more exciting experience. But first, why did I say “best” mobile theme? The simple reasons why I said that is because; it is 100% free, it is trusted and safe to use, it is highly customizable (compare to other mobile themes) and you can also integrate mobile adsense or any other ad code easily without stress or strong knowledge of coding.
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If you are using a responsive theme and you love how your theme looks on mobile, then you shouldn’t bother using the mobilepress theme. But if you want more freedom and control over your blog’s mobile view and you also want your blog to look neat on java phones, sybian phones, and opera-mini, then you should consider a mobile theme because to be honest with you, responsive themes don’t look good on those mentioned platforms (true fact). But hey! You do not need to be bothered about that, right?
Adding Post Title, Written By and Author’s Gravatar In post Of Mobilepress
A friend who I’ve known for a long time now, asked me how I enable the written by and author gravatar above my posts. Instead of given him a brief answer, I decided to make the answer my today’s post. I do know that aside him, many other bloggers who uses mobilepress would also love to know how i enabled this feature on my blog, right? So friends, the answer is very easy and in a few, I am going to show you the simple steps of achieving this.
Note: I am going to do this tutorial in two steps – on the first step, I will give out the tutorial for those bloggers who knows how to play with codes (the techie kinds) and on the second step, I will give out the script for those who do not know how to edit their codes.
Step One:
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By following this tutorial, we are assuming that you have already downloaded the mobilepress and have activated it, right?
Now go to your c-panel (where your wordpress folder is) >>> Click “wp-content”>>> plugins>>> mobilepress>>> system>>> theme>>> default/
Are you there now? If you’re there, you will see all the php files that makes up the mobilepress. Now locate and click the “single.php” file to edit it with your cpanel editor, or you can extract the file to to a folder and edit it with your Dreamweaver editor.
Remember: Before thinking of editing any file in your c-panel or blog admin panel, always do a backup, so when you make a mistake, you can always revert back to normal.
Now let’s continue with the show, shall we?
Now locate the codes below.
[php]<div id="title">
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
</div> [/php]
Have you seen it? Now replace the above code with the below code
[php]<div class = " onestyle " >
<h2><strong><?php the_title(); ?></strong></h2>
<?php if ( function_exists( ‘rdfa_breadcrumb’ ) ) {
} ?>
</div> [/php]
Have you done that, now let’s proceed to the second procedure. Here is the part where we call out the “authors’ gravatar” and our “written by”- just like the image above. 🙂
Now simply search for the below codes
[php] <?php endif; ?> [/php]
Have you seen it? If No, here is a hint: The <?php endif; ?> tag is seen 6 times, but we are going to paste the below code below the second tag. Hope you understand
Now, right below the above code, paste the below codes.
[php] <br/>
<div class = " onestyle ">
<h2><strong>Author: <?php the_author_meta( ‘display_name’ ); ?></strong></h2>
<div style="float: left; padding: 5px;">
<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_meta(‘ID’), 48 ); ?>
<?php the_author_description(); ?>
<br/> [/php]
Have you done that? If yes, save you work and you are perfectly done with your edit. Now tell me how cool can it get 🙂
Step Two:
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Ahhh… for those who do not know how to play with code, I have not forgotten about you. You can still make yours possible as well by following the simple steps below.
First off, download the single.php script here. (The “single.php” file is in a zip format so you should unzip before proceeding)
Now go to your c-panel (where your wordpress folder is) >>> Click “wp-content”>>> plugins>>> mobilepress>>> system>>> theme>>> default/
Are you there? If you are there now, download the above zip file and unzip it.
Now click upload in your cpanel and also make sure you thick the “Overwrite existing files” box, so it can upload successfully.
Now click the “Upload” button and you’re done. Go look you mobile view now and see the difference you’ve made 🙂
Now do tell me how nicer can this get?
It looks like I have said so much about so much 🙂 now it’s time to leave the rest to you my friends…
Do you have questions regarding your blogs mobile view or any other mobilepress question? Do you have thoughts you’d love to share with us? Do you just want to make that a comment? Then please do by using the comment box below and we will surely get back to you ASAP.
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Hi Babanature,
Ah…I was just about to run away when I saw those codes! Thankfully you mentioned the second option for people like us who are far off from codes 🙂
Yes, I do have a responsive theme and I think so far it does come off alright on the mobile, or perhaps a few things don’t show up as well as with the Mobilepress – I wouldn’t know as I’ve not seen my blog on that theme. I would love to know whether we can make the similar changes as you mentioned here, on our responsive themes because that would be any day better than changing the theme altogether. I’m sure you must be having some code or trick for doing that also 😉
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hello Harleena,
Ahhh… Unfortunately responsive theme are not customizable. the reason why i said that is; any changes you do to the mobile version of your theme, will also affect your overall theme. So it is good to leave the responsive as it is 🙂
And you too, have a blessed week ahead…
Hey bro ! This a nice tutorial for the WordPress bloggers who are finding it difficult to add post title,written by ..etc in the mobile version of their WordPress website/blog , this move may not affect the site load time fro 3G/4G devices but would affect the devices using 2G/GPRS as extra bit of code would have to be interpreted by PHP interpreter and the interpreted code will be delivered fast to the client browser for 3G/4G networks and slow for 2G/GPRS .
Hello Pramod,
It will also work perfectly on 2G/GPRS/EDGE networks. Mobilepress is light and does not use up cpu usage. These added codes are just codes that calls your main themes functions and nothing more. it is perfectly safe, if you don’t believe check my blog on a 2G network.
Hey bro,
This is good stuff but I don’t know if you’ve had this issue I had – While having mobilepress enabled, on several occasions, my blog was reported to to being showing the mobile version on PC no. I had to switch to something else. Did you ever get that experience?
Hello Enstine,
If you have W3TC installed on your blog, it is good to always run the purge after 24 hours. if not, some things will start to go funny… That problem also affects other mobile themes if your cache is not purge after 24hrs.
It has happened to me once when i failed to purge my cache due to bad network. But if you can purge your cache using W3TC every 24 hours or so, you won’t have such problems again. trust me…
coding is something most individuals can’t do on their own but with the help of people like coding has being made easy for us, thanks for this awesome article babanature
Thanks for your thoughts Prince, i do appreciate it. Do have a lovely week ahead…
Hey Babanature,
Thanks for your blog.This is good stuff as it is not easy to find this code easily and you provide this code and also provide how to use this code . You explain each and every step clearly that’s so much helpful to me.
Thanks a lot for such an informative blog regarding mobilepress.
Hello Sameer,
I am so glad that you can see the steps clearly. if you can work it through, then i don’t have to be worried, right? Thanks for your valuable comment and do have a wonderful week ahead…
This is an excellent tutorial, although I have found undeniable love with Blogger, it wasn’t a bad read afterall.
Whenever I re-direct my sight to my ex-WordPress love, I would definitely fall back to this article.
Hello Nosa,
I wouldn’t lie to you, i am also inlove with blogger blog because i am still hosting some couple of sites there. But till now, wordpress is more flexible and more customizable.
When you do come over to wordpress, these tutorial will definitely be waiting for you :). Thanks for the comment and do have a blissful week ahead…
Thanks for sharing the valuable information . Also I Was using wptouch plugin for my mobile users now I got another plugin mobile press . Now going to try this also .
I am so glad you find the post valuable enough to comment. Mobilepress is great because it is customizable and flexible. Do taste it and see how it goes 🙂
Hi Olumide,
According Babanature, mobstac on blogger is not free and moreover configuring it requires alot of time. I ONCE read on ogbongeblog that it cost around $19 per month for the premium or something like that sha.
Ahhh… Yes! mobstac do have a premium version and as well as free version. The free version is not that great because they also add their adsense code in your mobile theme, which i feel is the only disadvantage. Aside that little problem, the free version is cool 🙂
Thanks for posting this. I think this is how to customize for wordpress users. Is it possible for those on blogger platform to customize their mobile view (not only choosing the template).
Hello Olumide,
It is impossible to customize the mobile theme of blogger blog, except you use mobstac to customize it.
This is a great tutorial Babanature. I don’t have any immediate needs for a mobile theme at the moment but I’ll definitely keep your recommendation of Mobilepress in mind for the future. I’ve also shared this. Tutorials can be invaluable to the person who needs to know just what you’ve written.
Hello Sherryl,
Yeah! If your responsive theme is great on mobile and has all the features you desire from the mobile view, then no need to add any mobile theme plugin. But if you must switch, i’ll recommend the mobilepress 🙂 . Thanks for your valuable comment and hope you have a great week ahead…
Hi Babanature,
I think I have many reasons to move my blog to wordpress platform, this is more convincing than other points am having right in my agenda already but with this I think am convinced in all way that I need to move my blog to wordpress if really I want to enjoy blogging to the fullest
Hello Adesanmi,
Having a self hosted blog do have its downside also. But it worth the transfer because of the easy code customization. Thanks for your comment and hope you’re having a perfect week ahead…
Yes Babanature, I thought as much but I believe with the help of veteran bloggers like yourself, obasimvilla etc, I will be able to conquer any difficult I might face during the cause of having my own personal host.
Good enough the mobilepress plugin has really garnered popularity among many wordpress users.
I was one of those stubborn heads preaching against it probably ‘cos I have already fallen deeply in love with Responsive designs.
Funny enough my tech blog’s readers weren’t happy with my “css media query coded mobile view”, this left me with no other option than reverting to mobilepress.
Though your code is normal and very simple to implement, I must commend your effort in coming up with the tutorial as it will greatly be a live saver to most newbies out there
Hello Obasi,
Mobilepress is indeed one of the best mobile theme plugin i have come across because it is 100% customizable and easy to use.
Apart from newbie, it will be helpful to those who have not come across mobilepress before. Thanks for stopping by and dropping your valuable comment. Do have a great week ahead 🙂
Babanature Thanks For The TUT..its really great..pls i want to move my blogger blog to wordpress and i dnt want to loose the post ah made..please how do i do that?
Hello Sam,
You can start by. After installing your wordpress, go to Tools in your dashboard and click import. There follow all necessary procedure and your transfer will be successful.
Hello Babanature, as always you have come up with the most user friendly post and as always I have book marked it to follow and use.
I have a doubt and I don’t think you have written a post on this topic yet. When we share our posts on Google+ communities, they will be added to our comment box below our blog posts. It will be a lengthy line of our shares which looks awkward. If we try to delete them here, they will be deleted in the community shares and also it is tedious to delete each and every share.
Is there a simple way of making changes in the settings so that these will not appear in our blog posts?
Hope you will respond with a solution.
This quiet interesting Babanature. I would like to know the limitations of this feature with mobile application.
Hello Lisa,
Mobilepress doesn’t have limitations and it is a recommended plugin 🙂