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Blog Traffic Exposure? Promote Your Blog Here

12 of July was my birthday and it was fun. what made it fun was, I spent part of it with family and my close friends.

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There’s nothing more fun than sitting down with your ol friends and discussing the positive about life.


Aside 12 July being my birthday, Today is also my blog’s birthday.

Yes, onenaijablog is celebrating her birthday today as well. Can you believe this? Onenaija blog has been with me for 6 years now and it is still going strong. And also generating money handsomely 😉

If you ask me, I never thought onenaijablog would do so well in the blogging world.

My mission was just to teach those that are finding it difficult to take care of their blog “tech wise”. But later, onenaijablog became something extraordinary.

Who made onenaijablog what it is today

You guys are the ones that made onenaijablog what it is today. Are you reading this post now? Then, you are also among the people who made this blog what it is today.

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So on that note, I am going to appreciate you guys for being part of this great community.

Thanks to My Awesome commentators

A while back Enstine Muki created a plugin that can help bloggers reward and appreciate their commentators.

If you are a blogger and has not gotten the plugin should go for it. Don’t worry, the plugin is 100% free and be found at WordPress plugins store.

The below names are few of my blogging friends who have commented on this blog and has contributed to the growth of the blog in one way or another.


Pankaj Solanki


Julius Eghaire































Sakura Beauty



Did you find your name on the list of top commentators? Don’t worry you still have the opportunity to promote yourself and your brand using the comment box below…

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And I will make every link in this post a do follow. So you will get the reward you deserve 😀

Do it smartly

Though, I want everyone to make a comment and share with me their links. But you must follow just one rule.

The rule is; don’t spam

How you’ll comment

Tell us your name

Tell us what you do

And drop your URL

(Optional) You can drop your social media I’d

Back to You

Now keep the comment coming and remember to follow the simple rule if you want your comment to get published.

Be Social

Do not forget to share this post with friends… so they can promote their site and profession for free. I promise you, they will thank you for it.

16 thoughts on “Blog Traffic Exposure? Promote Your Blog Here”

  1. Wow that’s awesome. I just feel like a kid before you now. 6 years is big and I have a lot of blogging lessons to learn from you’

    Meanwhile thanks for the shout out and for mentioning the plugin. I also appreciate you sharing ideas with me to make it better.

    My name is Enstine Muki, blogger and Internet Marketer. I like doing things in PHP. I developed MyCommentAuthors, BlogExpose, BroadedNet and a couple others.

    My blog:
    Facebook: fb/enstinemuki

    Thanks for the opportunity to gain more exposure and, happy anniversary to you and then your blog

  2. Hi Babanature,

    Wishing you a belated birthday 🙂

    Sorry, I was on a long blogging break and have just returned – and good to visit your blog once again. Happy Blogiversary as well!

    Well, my blog and name is mentioned here itself, and those who wish to check it out are most welcome to visit it right away.

    Thanks for the opportunity. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

  3. Hey Babanature,

    It’s good to see that you are getting a lot of traffic on your blog. the blog commenting procedure is the best one.

    To show your readers using the plugin created by Enstine.
    Have a great day.

  4. Hello Babanature,

    I feel elated to be mentioned among the top bloggers who comment on your page on regular basis.

    You remain an inspiration! Despite our discussion (You know what I mean) didn’t materialize, you still went ahead and mention Naija Youths Blog in your post.
    I remain grateful.

    Many thanks and meet you at the top!


  5. Hola, BabaNature!

    Happy belated birthday, buddy! 🙂

    Wish you more and more success in the coming future!

    Well, my name is Adeel Sami and I am from Pakistan.

    I blog for hobby and mainly on the topic of “blogging”.

    Besides of blogging, I work in an IT company and from home.

    And I blog @

    Once again, happy blog anniversary! 🙂

    See me often!

    ~ Adeel

  6. The Franchise King®, Joel Libava

    I’m the author of “Become A Franchise Owner!” (Wiley Publishing)

    I’m also a franchise ownership advisor-working one-on-one with people looking to buy a franchise. And, I own and operate Franchise Business, where both free and paid online franchise courses are available-worldwide.

    Blog- The Franchise King Blog.

  7. Hi Babanature,

    Firstly, belated wishes to you n your blog Congratulations on completion of 6 solid years of online presence, that’s a remarkable milestone✌
    Some how I could be a part of Enstine’ blog for regular commenting.
    But unfortunately missed yours.
    But will make it the next time.
    This is my first visit to your blog.Kudos to you! Keep rocking

  8. Indeed you are such a great brother, adviser and someone to look up to. This new idea of yours is just like the things I expect from you.
    A simple bloggers’ connect.

    Thanks for such and more grease to your elbows!
    My site is… Hoping to connect more

  9. Hi Babanature,

    Many congratulations on completion of 6 years of successful blog.
    It is a long time in blogging.
    It’s great way to say thank you to all the people who have contributed in this journey.
    I feel privileged to see my name on your list!
    Thanks again for kind mention on your blog.
    With regards,

    1. Happy Happy birthday to you happy happy birth day to you 🙂 we are bloggers in Turkey and look at that and we liked it, good job please speedly go youor wonder pages…

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