Wow!!! I just realize that we have just so many social networks, bookmarking sites, pdf sites that it is almost impossible to use all these sites effectively. Even the once we signed up to, we don’t frequent most of them due to time or feeling just too tired to attend to them.
I know that as bloggers we are very busy, but imaging that you have a clean program (free from any search engine penalty) that can help you make post on all social sites or selected networks with just a click of your mouse, would you love that?
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Hey! Hey!! I am not talking about buffer or hootsuit here, no-no… because I know that your minds are in that direction. Just hold on because with time, you’ll definitely know what I am talking about… so shall we move on?
Sometime last year, I was looking for a clean way to automate my work because I’ll tell you that I joined a lot of social sites that it is hard to cope with all if you have a second job 🙂 .
After a lot of searches and still no hope of what I was looking for, a friend of mine introduced me to an addon that can record your web browser activity and then play it exactly as it was recorded. I tested the addon for so many months and as each day passes by, my love for the simple app grows.
Are you also using the extension? Then you must have known what I am talking about but if you don’t, I am talking about “imacros”.
Why do I need this?
If you’re that type that is in a lot of social sites as I do and you’re very busy to attend to them all, then imacros is just the perfect tool.
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If you are a busy parent and you need to cut down some time you spent online in other to attend to some other works, then this tool might be the solution you’ve been searching for 🙂
Imacros was created to automate the most repetitious tasks on the web. That means, If you have some sites you frequent on a daily bases, you can automate most of them while you attend to some other aspect of the internet. Indeed, this cool gem is going to make your internet life easier as a blogger.
Automate Your Social Life
Most times, when I get caught up in work, I use imacros to share my posts on delicious, Facebook, stumbleupon, bizsugar… or when I am in short of justretweet credit, I just let imacro do the job while I attend to some other stuff 🙂 . Awesome, right?
This is how you too can use it…
You can download imacros extension on Mozilla by using Mozilla addon search box or you can simply download it through here
If you are not using Firefox, you can download chrome extension through here.
Install the extension and enable it for use…
You will be asked to restart your browser after installment. After restarting your browser, you will see a dialog box like the image below.
Click the “Yes” button and you’re done with the first round…
Note: in most cases, the box doesn’t appear… so if you do not see the box, just move on to the next step 🙂
You will see the imacros little icon located by the right hand side beside your address bar >>> Click the little icon and a little box/tab will appear at the left hand side of your browser…
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Before you type the web address you want to record in your address bar, make sure you click on the “Record” button and click “Record Macro” See image below
Now click “Stop” when you’re through with what you’re doing on that particular site >>> after that, a dialogue box will open asking you to save your work. See image below…
Now click “Save As & Close” another box will open >>> change the current name to a name you’ll remember and click “Ok” and you’re done.
Anytime you want to replay what you recorded earlier, just click on the imacros little icon >>> the tab by the left will open >>> just click the name you store your recording as and click “Play” located below then click “Play Macro”.
Note: if you want to play it repeatedly, just click “Play Loop” and set the “Current” and “Max” to your own satisfaction.
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What you record earlier will play and works on his own as if you are the person doing it yourself. It sounds safe right?
Over to you
Now you can actually automate your web browser, record and replay repetitious works.
Do you have questions and thoughts that you’d love to share with us? Do use the comment box below. Remember that your comment, questions and thoughts are highly welcome and much appreciated…
Do not forget to share this post with your friends because they’ll definitely love you for it 🙂 . And do subscribe to our feed for your latest updates on the go.
Hello Babanature, this is an eye opener, the IMACROS sounds to be good, one don’t need to worry about posting around, the platform does, Thanks for Sharing, I will have to start using this also. Have a wonderful day.
Yeah Miracle,
With this little extension, your everyday task will look much more easy 🙂 . . .
Thanks for stopping by and dropping your wonderful comment, Do have a nice week ahead…
Hi Babanature,
This sounds pretty interesting, especially for busy bloggers who really don’t have the time to be all over and do everything with the busy lives they lead 🙂
I hope it’s safe enough and doesn’t do something to your computer! I am suspicious of such software that play and do all things automated – never tried them, but worth checking out.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Ahahah… No-no, Harleena,
if the extension is not safe, Mozilla or Chrome wouldn’t have endures it. Imacros is not a stand alone software, it is just an extension that you can download on Mozilla Addon store or Chrome’s as well.
I will never introduce what will cause harm to others…
Thanks for the comment and do have a nice week ahead…
I’d like to thank you for sharing such an amazing and details article on how to automate the web browser. Well I’m using addmefast since a long time for Addmefast but never knew that we can also record and make other automate scripts too. I’m gonna bookmark this post.
Secondly if you don’t mind please share more tips for automating things which are generally useful for bloggers.
Hello Samir,
Imacro is totally different from addmefast… Addmefast is a stand alone script while imacros is an extension.
I will indeed post some more of this when i get my hands on clean ones 🙂
Thanks for the comment and do have a good week ahead…
Hey Babanature,
Thanks for introducing iMacros to us. I’m a still bit confused about how it’s beneficial though. The thing that confused me was the recording part. So is this similar to hootsuite and buffer except you record?
Hello Sherman,
This is way different from buffer or hootsuit… The extension is just like when you record a tv program to watch later… the addon can help you with stuffs you do on a daily bases; like sharing across social platforms (sharing your post on Facebook groups, Google+ communities, get you justretweet credit and more).
The short definition for this extension is; it automates your everyday activity online 🙂
Thanks for the comment and do have a wonderful week ahead
Hey Babanature,
Okay, I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s confused because apparently I didn’t exactly catch what it does beside record your current activity. I mean if it’s recording you on Facebook for instance and you’re chatting or whatever you’re doing you don’t want that repeated the next day because you don’t have time. I mean it can’t speak for you.
Maybe I just didn’t catch that but hopefully you can clarify that for me. Glad you’re liking it though.
Hello Adrienne,
It is bad that i did not explain it very well or my today’s English is just so bad, but all the same, let me say or clearify some few more things 🙂
The extension does not automate discussions or chats because those are not your everyday task online… What it does is, it automates your everyday task (only when you want it to) like ; posting on Facebook groups, It helps you to post on many community…
The Thing is, if you do one thing almost everyday, Imacros can help you with that task while you attended to others,.. The extension is just like when you record a tv program to watch later…
Was this comment clear enough? If not, i’ll gladly clarify things further.
Thanks for your lovely comment and do have a nice week ahead…
Hey Babanature,
Sorry I’m just now responding to your last question but I’ve been meaning to get back over here.
I guess I still don’t quite understand why this is even needed so although you came back with another explanation maybe I’m just not understanding the benefit of this tool. That’s okay, things are working out just fine for me the way I do things now.
Thanks though for helping clarify that more.
Hope you’re doing well.
Hi Babanature,
It is true social life will always affect the social traffic and the two has to walk hand in hand. Many people do not understand the power of network and this drag them behind while others are moving forward
Thanks for the addition Laura, it was indeed appreciated.
Do have a lovely week
what a great article bro! i always enjoy your aritcle sir. have a great weeked ahead 🙂
I liked this article very much and thanks for introducing Macros….
Awesome tip shared mate, I guess I’m gonna try imacros soon as I haven’t tried any script yet. I think it slow the pc if we use imacro is that right?
Hi Babanature,
This is a really handy tool for bloggers. Yes, indeed, we often have to go through mechanical, repetitive and somewhat boring tasks. Attending to various social networking and bookmarking sites can be said to fall in this genre of work. Not that it is thoroughly boring, but the sheer number of sites to attend to is pretty big!
This tool will simplify the task for sure. I wasn’t aware of it before going through this article. I’m using Cgrome browser at the moment. So, its extension is what I’ll make use of.
From what you described in the post with screenshots, it appears that operating the tool is not a difficult task at all! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Hey Babanature !! Very informative post. I haven’t tried ‘imacros’ till yet but it must be a great tool , so definately gonna try it ,and I would like to mention that this is my very first visit on this blog and its good to be here. 🙂 now I have bookmarked this blog. 🙂
Seems like a great tool 😀
I use Ahk Script for repetitive tasks. The best thing about Ahk script is its features…it’s not limited to websites, you can use it with other Windows applications 😀
I personally have scripts for opening several websites (I save them as routine…my news routine, my morning routine and so forth) and folders/documents (for blog planning and blog ideas and other stuff).
PS: I also have a script like yours – social networking…open up all the social media (that I am focusing on) and share stuff 😉 Saves a ton of time opening everything up, right? 😀
Anyways, thank you for the awesome tips, Babanature 🙂 Appreciate it!