Yesterday I was discussing with a friend about blogging and she asked me one interesting question which is “How to drive traffic to a new blog”. I also did remember seeing that same question at yahoo answer sometime back, so I decide to make that interesting question my today’s post. I decide to write on the topic because I know that it will help a lot of new and upcoming bloggers, don’t you think so?
When I created my blog newly, I could still remember that the first thing I did was – shared my blog to over 250 social bookmarking sites. If you ask me why I submitted my site to those bookmarking sites, I’ll simply say – to get backlinks and as well as quality traffic because Google love blogs that has quality backlinks :).
Must Read: Running A Slow Blog? Try This 5 Simple Steps To Speed That Slow Blog
Was adding my blog manually to all 250 social bookmarking sites a waste? Nah!!! After adding my blog to those bookmarking sites, my traffic increased by 60 percent. For a 2weeks blog, I started receiving 300 unique visits per day which to me I feel is a good thing (as at that time) :). If you are a new blogger and you want all search engines to index your site 3x faster than usual, I’d suggest you read this post on: 250 SOCIAL BOOKMARKING SITES THAT CAN DRIVE TRAFFIC TO YOUR BLOG
Now let’s move on to the main show, shall we?
3 Best Ways On How To Drive Quality Traffic To A New Blog
I am going to be discussing the 3 easiest way of getting traffic to a new blog which I know will be effective and even more fun to do. Hey! I am not talking about SEO on this post, I am talking about working smartly and getting connections in the process 🙂 so do pay some good attention…
The first on my list should be…
1. Good writing skill with exceptional title:
The first thing any blogger should think of doing to his blog after doing security check and impressive design, is to have good and attractive titles when writing his blog posts.
Must Read: Top Secret Tips On Writing a Really Good Title
When people search online or you comment on commentluv enable blogs, what attracts these kinds of people to your blog is not because of you, it is because of your eye catchy title. So as a new blogger (even the old bloggers), it is best to always spend time on your title because that title can take your blog to places you’ll never imagine :).
2. Social Networks:
Social network should not be taken lightly for it is one of the most powerful ways of getting traffic and at the same time building connections with top bloggers. But many new bloggers, who have been trying to get traffic from social networks, still can’t get over 50 visits per day :). Why is that so? They are not doing what they should be doing to get traffic from such places…
How to truly get traffic from places like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+
Getting traffic for free from the above mentioned social networking sites might look hard for a new comer but for people who’ve been constantly using them, it’s not.
Hey! My way of using these social networks might be different from the other bloggers but my style will definitely work for you if you put it to practice.
Best tips for Facebook, Twitter, Google +
How to get traffic from Facebook: Before you became a blogger, all your Facebook friends are just regular people right? If you’re in the blogging tips niche, those Facebook friends will likely not click your links because your topics are not their interest. Don’t get me wrong, when you post your links on your Facebook timeline, some few friends will click it out of love but with time, they will stop the clicking (fact).
Must Read: Top 50 Active Blogs With Commentluv Enabled
Tip 1
– Now as a new blogger, try as much to add new friends to your friend list that have the same interest as you.
– Add and connect with bloggers that are in your niche
– do not always drop links! Links!! Links!!! Try to be interactive with your friends
Tip 2
Join some Facebook communities that are in your niche: For every link you submit to these communities, try to as much;
– Add excerpt to the link: Make sure you give a little insight to what you are sharing. Doing this will make you exceptional and the community members will want to check out your link. Some will even wants to connect with you…
– Try to use harsh tags once in a while because it helps
– Show appreciation to people who like and comment on your link by telling them “Thank You”
How to get traffic from Twitter: The thing is, Even if you don’t have many followers, you can still get your blog post across to as many people as possible. But how can I make other bloggers retweet my tweets when i don’t have much followers? With sites like Justretweet and triberr, you can get your content to as many readers as possible. In case you have not registered with those 2 communities, I will advise you to do so.
Quick tips
– Learn how to use harsh tags because it is needed
– Register with Justretweet and triberr. And start sharing other members contents and they will share yours too
How to get traffic from Google+: Google plus is one cool place to get quality traffic from. If you want your blog posts to get faster indexing, you should consider using G+.
I have written some cool post on Google+ and how to get traffic from them; you can check the post links below
3 Proven Methods Of Getting Traffic Through Google Plus
Active Lists Of Google Plus Communities and Hash Tags You should Know
3. Social Bookmarking Sites:
Do you know that social bookmarking sites can drive great amount of traffic to your blog? Well, I guess you already know that but what you don’t know is many bloggers are too lazy to submit their blogs to social bookmarking sites. And for those who do, they use automated way (which I feel is bad).
Now if you are a new blogger and you are lazy to submit your site to 250 and more social bookmarking sites, then I will list out just 4 social booking sites where you can get tones and tones of traffic from. So should I list?
– Bizsugar
Do you know why I mentioned the above four? They are easy to understand and almost any reasonable post you submit can drive traffic to your blog.
Must Read: Top Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Traffic From Reddit
My advice to you guys is to check out the above four and learn how to use them wisely.
Relax and don’t stress yourself:
Getting traffic to your blog can be time consuming, so my advice is – make sure you always schedule your time for generating traffic to your blog because if you don’t, you might just spend the whole day trying to drive traffic to your blog. And also remember that getting traffic is like an addiction, once your traffic starts increasing, you will always want more. Trying to make money online can be dangerous to your health so relax and don’t stress yourself :).
I am 100% sure that following the above steps will give any new blog traffic – no matter the niche :).
Over to you
It looks like I have talked so much about so much on this post, now will be the perfect time to make the post more interactive :D.
Must Read: How To Disable Or Enable The Google Plus Auto Share On Blogger Blog
When you started blogging, how did you drive traffic to your blog? What other method can a new blogger drive traffic to his or her blog? Please do drop your answer using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, answers, questions and thoughts are highly welcome and appreciated :).
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A very insightful post. Although I’m still a new blogger, I do think SEO can also bring traffic from search engines. One thing I’m very careful about though is about retaining new visitors. Making them return to my blog.
Hello Olumide,
Nobody is doubting the SEO technique. I don’t know SEO but i have blog posts that is ranking well on Google. If you ask me how i did it, i’ll simply say; I applied the above steps to my work sheet :). The what thing that can retain your visitors is your writing style – if it has flavor, believe me that they will always stay :).
Thanks for stopping by and dropping your comment. do have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hi Babanature,
Wonderful post indeed, especially for new bloggers or those wanting to know how to drive traffic to their new blog, or even old blogs for that matter 🙂
What always worked for me was blog commenting when I started off to be honest. It was just the comments of various bloggers that I received first on my blog and their blogs that I visited that gradually I started getting traffic and got to know the way about of other things.
I guess as a newbie, I hardly knew about SO many social bookmarking sites. I still wonder how you ever in the world did manage to create accounts on all those 250 bookmarking sites, and the amount of time it must be taking you to submit each post on ALL those sites! I’ve joined only a few main ones so far, and those too I need to work on the profile and make them better, again with time.
I agree about JustRetweet and Triberr, both of which are wonderful indeed and can help to make your post reach the masses. Not to mention the #hastags you can add that make it all the more worthwhile.
In addition to the main sites you mentioned, I’d add in Pinterest too because that works wonderfully well for me, driving the maximum traffic most of the days to my blog. Yes, you need to have great images for that for sure. Also, your posts stay the longest on Pinterest as compared to any other social network, so all the more reason I guess.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice rest of the week 🙂
Hello Harleena,
Thanks :). This post will definitely help people still searching for some good and quality traffic and as well as backlinks.
You know, when i first started blogging, i did not know that commenting on other blogs can drive traffic to a blog or website until i was exposed to it by a friend. Blog commenting can indeed drive traffic to any blog as long as you do it right.
You know, when i started blogging new, i was advised to submit my blog to all social bookmarking sites so as to get traffic to my blog. Then, i don’t know other means of promotion and i was 100% less busy, so i submitted my blog feed to all the social sites. But to be honest with you, it took me days to finish the list but i did make sure i finish the list :). Right now – if you ask me to do it again, it might be impossible (true fact)
That’s right, Justretweet and triberr can indeed help alot and it is a most for bloggers to join those networks.
Since i have been using Pinterest, i haven’t had any good luck with that social site. I don’t know why but i will still be trying them with different strategies to see how it goes.
Thanks for adding a great way of getting traffic to our blog as well. Do have a blessed weekend ahead…
Hi Babanature,
The 250 social bookmarking sites is an interesting idea. My question is : When did you do that? When did you add your blog to those 250 sites ? This year or last year?
This is a line of action that I will gladly follow, if you answer my question.
The rest of the advice is very good, especially Triberr and Justretweet.
Have wonderful day
Hello Silviu,
I started this blog last year and i posted my blog feed to all social bookmarking sites 3weeks after the creation of my blog. Now here is how to get the backlinks from the social sites; make sure you feel out your profile very well and also make sure you include your blog url while filling your profile. That will surely help your new blog get quality backlinks and a faster indexing of your blog, which will lead to search engine traffic :). Please not that i did not finish the whole social sites in just one day, it took me some few days to accomplish the task.
Thanks for stopping by and dropping a wonderful comment, do have a nice weekend ahead 🙂
Amazing article – very helpful. I am a newbie and was having a hard time with SEO because, like you mention above, it seemed very overwhelming. Thanks for making me feel more comfortable.
Most welcome Lalitha,
You know, you don’t need to know much about seo but as long as you know how to get the traffic, everything follows. Thanks for stopping b and dropping your comment, do have a nice weekend ahead 🙂
Thanks for the list.
Is going to take me some time to visit all but if you said worth than I believe you.
Most welcome Daniel :).
Hello Babanature,
250 social bookmarking sites? 😮 I have to admit that there is nothing a man can’t do to earn success. I am beginning to get to know you better, you are really hardworking and I am glad the effort invested paid off impressively.
I did use reddit some years back and its a shame I completely forgot about it. I will try to recover my username and see how that side of world looks.
I am inviting a good friend of mine to come and have his dose. Every hardworking blogger deserves to succeed.
Thanks baba for this nice article and have a great day. 🙂
Hello Nosa,
You know – to attain success in life, anything an ordinary man sees as limit, you make it limitless :). I only brake the yoke and show people that i can do it as well which did paid off. And also remember that blogging is my only source of income so i gatto work smarter 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Nosa, do have yourself a joyous weekend
Yaay! I learnt something new. I never knew that the use of harsh tags was important. Thanks for sharing Babanature.
Glad you find the post interesting and worth reading Ugee.
Have your self a great weekend
To me SEO is very important,because, is not every time you will go around and start commenting. But i found it so great for my blog. Thanks.great post baba
Hello Ogunsola,
SEO is great but my traffic was and is never base on SEO i don’t use SEO on this blog and i am getting as much traffic as people who uses SEO :). SEO is effective but for people who can’t perform SEO, this method is best.
Thanks for the comment and do have a nice weekend
Hi Baba !
Thanks for sharing the strategies and those social bookmarking sites. I would submit my blog to atleast 100 of them and i hope that my blog’s traffic will increase too.
Hey Pramod,
Submitting your site to social booking site the right way will surely do :). Have a nice weekend
Reddit is doing great for me. I’ve been trying to sign up on bizsugar but it returns error.
Reddit is indeed a good source of traffic Ologundudu… You can retry to apply for the bizsugar community or simply write to the admin…
Great post babanature,
For me personally the best form of traffic I get is when I take some time read some blogs and leave comments.
I am not talking about your typical crappy comments, I mean really reading a blog post and engage the writer as well as other commentors..
Hello Larry,
Blog commenting is also one good way of getting traffic but only if done well…
Thanks for stopping by and do have yourself a brilliant weekend 🙂
This post reminds me of when i started blogging, and just as traffic is a challenge for every new blogger, i tried all means of driving traffic to my blog, i totally agree with all the methods you listed here cos i found them quite useful then. Wished i read this post some years ago.
It sure is Nwosu :). Back then, new bloggers do things just to get traffic but now bloggers just look for a cheap way to get traffic and get their blog penalized at the end.
Thanks for stopping by and dropping your lovely comment. Have yourself a beautiful week ahead 🙂
Hey Babanature,
Agree with your points. Headlines alone can entice a reader to check our blog posts (one thing we must keep in mind is to never misled our readers; write a title that reflects our blog posts).
Social media has worked really well for me, but I still struggle with Social bookmarking sites. It’s not laziness, it is the lack of time. I think that’s the problem for most bloggers. Manually submitting to sites takes a lot out of our time. I haven’t quite used many Social bookmarking sites, just a few important ones like Blog engage, Stumble Upon and Digg. I might need to expand the list when I launch my new blog.
Anyways, thank you for sharing your experience with traffic generation 🙂
Hello Jeevan,
You’re right about that, it is best to write titles that reflects our posts. and it also good to be unique…
Scheduling can indeed play a good role in ones life. Once you schedule your daily tasks, you can cover some social bookmaking sites and with you’ll finish the list before you know it :). Stumbleupon and Digg are some good sites to get traffic indeed :).
Thanks for your lovely comment, do have a peaceful weekend 🙂
Hello Babanature,
Traffic is one hard thing to attain. I have been trying to get traffic to my blog but all try only get me to 100 visitors per day. I will try your tips out and report here how it goes. Thanks
Hello Bello,
This post and my previous writeup will definitely help you on your blogging journey.
Hey Babanature,
I had a similar conversation with a new prospect just today so I pointed her to my post that I shared back in 2011 of what I did to get started. Setting things up is usually the time consuming part but once you have it’s time to get to work.
Let’s see, I did the submission to blog directories and RSS directories. I was already on Facebook and Twitter although I didn’t have a whole lot of friends or followers at that time. I’d started over twice already to be honest with you.
I joined some groups like you suggested here on Facebook but also joined some blogging networks but they just don’t work as well anymore. I had written a lot of articles back then so that helped with my ranking more then the traffic. Of course I was never exceptionally good with my titles as you’ve mentioned here that we really need to pay attention to them and make them stand out. I’m still a work in progress.
I did some bookmarking but I never got a lot of results from those methods either but I think that overall what I did do ended up working. The blog commenting though is what really got me out in front of other people and they eventually became interested in what I was doing so that’s pretty much what I did. I only wish Triberr had been around then but sure glad it is now.
I think if anyone follows your advice here they should be good to go. Listen to Babanature because he knows what he’s talking about.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hello Adrienne,
As you said; starting up a blog is where the work is and after that, everything feels easy and part of us :).
Both of us did similar things by submitting our blogs to directories and RSS directories and that feels great to here that you did follow that process as well.
To be honest with you, Facebook groups do work wonders nowadays especially when you joined enough of them :). It might not be as it used to but it is still doing pretty good, especially when you joined a group that has alot of members.
We all just love blog commenting because of the benefits attach to it, right ? Triberr is one community every blogger should think of joining because it feels easy using that platform.
Thanks for your lovely comment my friend and do have yourself a beautiful weekend 🙂
Quite interestingly Baba,
Your tips for getting quality traffic to a blog or website is really one of the best out there.
Being a tech blogger with years of experience I would like to say that all your tips works great but might not sustain you for a very long while except ya a full time blogger or really do have have great time for maintaining such ethics.
Many bloggers who do not have enough time to attend to this obligatory rituals might have their continual traffic stop each time they aren’t around to pay to this options.
But if followed, they are truly the best way to generate good traffic to a website.
The one and only stable option should be captivating headline and Search engine optimization as this will never wade off even in many years to come.
Blog commenting works great too and most at times will end up helping you to build a good relationship with other bloggers out there.
Thanks for sharing this whole lot bro, do have a great day too
Hello Obasi,
This tips are best for bloggers who just started out that wants to kick start their blog. it is for the per-time bloggers as well… This tips can give you long terms traffic if followed accordingly, because social bookmarking starts can give you traffic even when you’re off your pc for years, that’s why top bloggers always advice new bloggers to use directories for their blogs.
I don’t do SEO and i have been ranked by Google multiple times :). SEO can give you long term traffic if the keyword is strong. If you choose a weak keywords, your traffic will eventually go down (fact). There are some traffic tips i have dropped some time back that gives long term traffic without SEO , you should check it out.
Thanks for the comment and i do hope you’re having a great weekend 🙂
These are awesome tips. Thanks for share.
Most welcome Shreya, glad you liked it 🙂
Hi Babanature,
Certainly nice points, But what I have noticed in Facebook that Groups are now full with spammers and they don’t care what others are sharing or saying. They only want to share their links and this left no importance in Facebook groups. What you say about it?
Hello Aahna,
Most Facebook group still do have people who’d visit your links. Here is my little tip; Try to join group that has more than 1000 members and always try to make yourself exceptional from the crowed. any more question, do not hesitate to ask :).
Thanks for the comment and do have a nice weekend ahead 🙂
Ok, babanature, maybe i will go true is and fined out how is really work. Thanks, but why did you remove my dofollow link?
Nope, i did not remove your backlink, its just wasn’t there as this one. sorry 🙂
Hey Baba,
Nice article. I enjoyed reading it. Hmm. By the way, what are you referring to with harsh tags?
Hello Teepu,
It is good to know that you enjoyed the read :). Harsh tags are those keywords you see on twitter, G+ and Facebook that has # sign. Those words are called trending… for example #wordpress, #facebook. Hope you got it now?
Hi Babanature,
This is really interesting post. I have interesting study case about this traffic problem. We should focus on what really work best to our blog. In term of traffic of course it’s mean a source that gives traffic to our blog. In this case evaluation is important. Always evaluate where you try to drive traffic and look the result.
Then we should invest more on keyword research if we aim for organic visitors. A well-researched post can drive 10-100 targeted visitors daily from search engine. Its like post and leave then visitors will come. So can you imagine if you can publish this kind of post once in a week or month? You can have a lot of traffics and save much of your time.
Finally relax and don’t stress ourselves :). Our blog need times to grow. Just make sure we do the right thing.
Thanks my friend
You are right Okto,
Never too stress yourself when getting yourself some good traffic, let it flow naturally :).
Thanks for stopping by and dropping a comment, do have a peaceful weekend
Hey Babanature,
Great tips here bruh! I definitely recommend using social media sites. I also highly recommend to join blogging groups within your niche. Not only just any groups, but interactive groups that talk about different strategies and actually go to each other’s blog and leave a good comment. This is a challenge, but yet it’s worth the trouble.
Thanks for the share!
Hello Sherman,
Yeah! Social media and groups can help a blog excel beyond reach… Somebody told me that – word of mouth is greater than even a radio station, so if your group friends can spread your words across, it will surely help alot.
Thanks for stopping by and dropping your comment. do have a nice week ahead 🙂
This is really a good post. It’s very useful and very informative. Thank you for sharing this.
Glad you liked it Cassie, do have a great week ahead 🙂
Hi Babanature,
I just signed up with Triberr and JustRetweet last week. So I’m still learning my way around them.
Although I’m sure that once I figure them out it will definitely be worth my time.
These are some excellent tips for anyone who wants to increase their traffic to their site. Getting traffic takes time…but once it starts coming it’s nice to see your hard work paying off.
Thanks for sharing, I hope you have a wonderful day.
Hello Susan,
In triberr and Justretweet, the only thing you need to learn is share and be shared. Join some active triberr group that are willing to share and communicate with you… 🙂
Traffic is the life source of our blogs so it got to be taken seriously. Thaks for stopping by and you too, have a blessed day 🙂
Nice tips bro Babanature. Thanks so much for sharing
Most welcome Victor, Glad it was useful to you.
Have a blessed weekend 🙂
Hi Babanature,
These tips are really worth for me because I just start my blog and I worrying about traffic so after reading this post I am going to relax because I am doing all the practice which you have mentioned here. Thanks for guiding me.
Hello Muhammad,
If you are doing every tips here, then pretty soon you will definitely be getting an impressive amount of traffic.
Glad you found the tips worth reading :). Have a great week ahead…
Personally I believe in sites like reddit…. one of my blog post is shared by a redditer and I still get a lot of traffic for that post… even google will rank such posts as genuine ones. The reason is as your blog start getting incoming traffic from all over the world , google will give more ranking to your blog for the particular keywords.
nice post. Been blogging for a year now but haven’t see much result on my blog.I would give this a try. Thanks