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How To Disable Or Enable The Google Plus Auto Share On Blogger Blog

First of all, let me say this – Welcome to the most stressful day of the week guys :). Now let’s move on to the post at hand…

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Last week, I was trying to make a new post on my blogger blog as usual :). I logged in to my dashboard and saw a welcome message that goes like the image below.


Wow!!! This is indeed one great feature added to the blogger blog platform, don’t you think? Because the way the G+ sharing option used to be was; you click publish post button → → a G+ share screen pops up → → click the share button and the post will be sent to the public and your G+ friends. Now it is way easier with this new added feature – just make a post and it will be shared automatically without the above hassle.

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This new feature is great but for people like me, who love getting traffic from every post I share on G+, it is not and I will tell you my reason why…

3 Reasons why I don’t like the new share method.

– I tried to make four (4) posts all at once and one of the posts was not shared

– I can’t add my own hashtag before sharing

– I can’t give my G+ friends insight of the post.

So I switched the Google sharing method back to the default ways, so I can share, add hashtags and make the post to the way I like – manually :). We all know the benefit of hashtags right? in case you don’t know, you can read my previous post on it here: Active Lists Of Google Plus Communities and Hash Tags You should Know

How To Disable/ Enable The Google Plus Auto Share On Blogger blog

Have you noticed the new Google+ auto sharing while using the blogger blog platform? Do you like it? Then please tell me why you like it by using the comment box below.

In case you have not yet activated the auto share button or you want to switch to the manual sharing process, then follow the simple steps below…

My simple step

Login to your blogger dashboard >>> By the left, Click “Google+” [See image below]


In the Google+ interface, you will see three options which are;

√ Automatically share after posting

√ Prompt to share after posting

√ Use Google+ Comments on this blog

See full image below of how it looks like…


Now if you uncheck the “Automatically share after posting” option, the “Prompt to share after posting” will be checked automatically and your settings will also be saved automatically. If you want your auto share back on, you can check the “Automatically share after posting” box.

The process was very simple right? The question is, how simple is it for a none tech person? Please do use the comment box below to answer the question 🙂

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Back to you:

Do you have comments, questions or thoughts you’d love to share with us? Then please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, questions and thoughts are highly welcomed and more appreciated.

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Must Read: Running A Slow Blog? Try This 5 Simple Steps To Speed That Slow Blog

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25 thoughts on “How To Disable Or Enable The Google Plus Auto Share On Blogger Blog”

    1. Hello Nwosu,
      Automation is not a good idea for people like us who love getting traffic to every post we publish, so i hope you have changed it back to manual sharing? Thanks for the comment and hope you’re having a blessed week!

  1. Hi Babanature,

    Yes indeed, I read about this new feature at Mayura’s blog too and was pretty happy for all those who are on Bloggers, though like you I didn’t like it all that much.

    Agreed that it becomes automated, but you cannot personalize it, just as you mentioned, because just like you, I love to use #hashtags and add a little note about the post for my friends and fans. Same is the case if you share your posts through Hootesuit or network blogs etc. I think you lose the personal touch, and if at all, such things are still alright on Twitter – not on FB and G+. Nevertheless, those who don’t mind it are happy to follow your post tips here.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice – yes AND the most tough and hectic part of the week 🙂

    1. Hello Harleena,
      You know, this new feature maybe awesome for some bloggers who love automated post. With this, you don’t need to press any extra button to get your post across to your friends :). But indeed not all bloggers like this feature and for us to know how to disable it, is very important…

      An insight of the post we are sharing plus hashtags can take our post to places we can’t even imagine and give us some juicy traffic :).
      The main point here is, there is nothing better then manual sharing 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your wonderful comment. Have a blessed week ahead 🙂

  2. Hi Baba !
    This is yet another useful and excellent blogger tutorial from you. As you’ve mentioned that blogger’s using the blogger platform are unable to add hashtags as the posts get automatically shared ..Using this tutorial and manually sharing the links on Google+ is a good idea . Thanks for sharing the information.


  3. Like Harleena, I also came upon the feature through Mayura’s blog 🙂

    I am not much of an fan of automation. Sure, I do use scheduling (and I like it), but I also want some control over it. I want to manually craft each message (like add my own personality to it :D), not just share in a generic way.

    Anyways, I do appreciate the tutorial, Babanature. I am glad that Google made it easy to remove the feature (instead of forcing users to modify the template code).

    1. Hello Jeevan,
      That makes us both :). I also don’t like automated shares because it does not give full control over our posts… I always keep it manual because i feel manual process is the best 🙂

      You’re right about that. Do have yourself a great week ahead

  4. Hi Babanature,

    I have personal blog on blogger where I only share when I have anything interesting to share. Though I haven’t logged in there for quite a long time and not aware of this option. However I would like to do it manually after reading this post. 🙂

  5. Is there possible to make it automatic? I guess I need to check my bloggers blog for this feature. I think it is a good option for those who don’t have much time in social media to add this feature.

    Thanks for this post my friend

  6. I also saw the notification, I just thought it was not necessary. Posting it manually gives room for additions and even choosing the right picture.

    1. Manual sharing gives room for more possibilities and freedom and i strongly recommend the manual process. So have you switched back to the manual process or you are still using the automated share?

  7. Hello Babanature,
    Immediately I saw mine, I reverted it back to the manual sharing because of the freedom the manual process had. but as you said; many other bloggers are going to find love in this :). Thanks Baba for the tutorial…

  8. I found a way around the problem of hash tag issue. I allow Google+ to post on my behalf, and later on add the # tags to make it a bit more..human.

    Automated systems can never replace human efforts at the end of the day. We always end up paying the cost for being lazy later on!

    1. Hello Piyush,
      Going back to edit your post after auto submitting feels like a long process indeed, but still that is also a good way to get your post across, right?
      Thanks for showing us your technique. do have a wonderful weekend over there 🙂

  9. Hello babanature!!!

    Thank you for this most useful post. It is quite annoying at at times when google plus do this automatically. It is not necessary many a no of times to share.I get annoyed with this update. I accept there is a positive side of it too.At times when we are not able to do share a few important things and if they where done automatically then it is of great use.But it is not every time.It is quite nice that you have got an idea to share this 🙂

    Hope you are going to make all of us get rid of such updates in the future too 🙂 . Looking forward for your next stunning post 🙂

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