As beautiful as a house can be, if not taken care of properly, with time, it will become ugly and old.
In other to keep your blog working well, looking beautiful, and not getting penalized by search engines, you will need to take good care of it. And how can a blogger take good care of his/ her blog?
Taking care of your blog doesn’t mean;
- Making blog post daily
- Replying to comments
- Moderate comments before going live
- Changing blog theme annually or quarterly.
Must Read: Got A Blog But Haven’t Made A Dime From It? Here’s What To Do
There are things involved when taking care of your blog. And most of it will be discussed in this post.
Taking good care of your blog will allow your blog to be;
- Super fast
- All search engines will fall in love with your blog
- Your blog won’t put you in trouble between you and your host
- This will increase your earnings
- You won’t lose your blog SEO value
- Most of all, your readers will feel safe when surfing your BlogSpot.
There are lots of benefits in cleaning one’s blog and if you haven’t cleaned your blog yet, you are simply missing a lot.
How to clean your blog
Remove those external links that are broken, they are harmful:
Below instances can give you broken links;
If you have a blog, eventually, you will start receiving comments. And when that happens, you will start getting broken links.
What causes broken links?
- There are some bloggers who’d abandon their blog.
- Some bloggers change their URL so to help their SEO.
- Bloggers who changed their permalinks
- If you have the commentluv plugin installed.
Every blogger has broken links to fish out from their blog, as long as you have comments coming in or you use other blogs as a reference in your post.
How to remove broken links from your blog
Not removing broken links will hurt your blog SEO-wise
To remove the broken links from your blog, simply go to brokenlinkcheck official site and let it run your blog.
The reason I am using brokenlinkcheck is simply because they give in-depth search analysis.
If you don’t feel like using brokenlinkcheck main site, you can install a plugin that can help you do such.
Give or take, I still do prefer the main site for scanning blogs for broken links, though. 😉
You can learn the full tutorial on how to clear broken links from your blog using this link.
Remove those 404 errors your blog is having or you might lose your blog:
Do you know that your blog might kill your effort if you fail to take care of stuff like this?
Sometimes Google bot searches your blog and if they meet any dead ends, they will report it.
Must Read: Drive Traffic To Your Blog Using Facebook Free Basics
Google search will notify you of this 404 errors and how to take care of it.
And if you do not take care of these error pages, Google might penalize you.
How do you take care of 404 error
Firstly, download and install a plugin called Redirection
If you have WordPress SEO installed on your blog, simply go to search console to see your pages showing errors. But if you don’t have WordPress SEO installed on your blog, simply go to Google webmaster tools to check if you have internal broken links (404 error)
Once you’ve seen these 404 error pages, redirect them using the redirect plugin you installed earlier. And your blog will be safe.
Your database might be slowing you down, clean it:
Database is essential. Without database our blog can’t work properly, our forum can’t work properly…
Database is what makes your plugins, your comment form, and most of your back-end works.
Database stores data of your blog’s activities. Some of these stored activities are good and some of the stored activities are unnecessary. Removing this stored information that is useless should come to mind to give our blog speed.
How do you clean your database?
There are two ways to clean your database;
The manual way: you can clean your database using the manual ways. I like using the manual ways to clean my database because it gives me the option to backup before taking action.
The manual way is not that hard, you can learn how to clean your database manually using this link
The automatic way: if you are the non-techie kind of blogger, then this method should be the best for you.
Why? This method has no risk attached to it.
There is a plugin called wp-optimize; what this plugin does is, it helps you optimize your database so your blog can be fast and effective.
Note: when cleaning your blog, make sure you backup first and make sure you know what you are doing.
Your plugin can perform stunts on you so clean it
The plugins we installed to our blog might help it function more effectively.
The plugin we have in WordPress is also one thing that makes WordPress blog stand out.
But do you know that one of the reasons your blog is loading sluggishly is because of your plugins?
Too much plugin slows down a blog. cleaning a blog means you have to take care of your plugins as well.
The remains of an uninstalled plugin will leave behind junks in your database. The many plugins installed on your blog should also be reduced to its smallest.
To learn how to clean your plugin and make sure a clean blog, do read this post
While you’re at it, your images need to be checked on
We need to optimize our blogs to help us rank good in search engines. And our images are something we should be taking seriously.
Do you know that images in your blog post also affect the speed of your blog? Yes, it does and cleaning it is also a must for you to do.
To optimize your blog images to help your blog move fast, simply install the plugin and you are off to a good start.
Check your blog if it has viruses or any loopholes:
You can check your blog to know if it has viruses or any sort of threat using 6scan.
6 scan helps a blog by alerting the blog owner of any vulnerability and threat that his or her blog might have. And gives you suggestion on how to counter that threat.
6scan has a plugin and has a stand-alone site.
You can check them out and see what is wrong with your blog 😉
Cleaning one’s blog is necessary and should be done regularly.
How regular can one clean his blog; cleaning your blog at least once a week will guarantee the safety of your blog and helps your blog get more visible in search.
Back to you
Looks like I have said so much about so much on how we can clean our blog. Now it’s time to pass the keyboard to you.
Do you have other ways you clean your blog apart from the above-mentioned way? Do drop your answer using the comment box below.
Must Read: A Non Techie Guide on How To Improve The Speed Of Your Blog
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Seems like I’m gonna have to clean my blog. Well I use a cache plugin to clear cache and that was all I do. But will surely follow these tips.
Hello Allen,
Clearing cache alone won’t do the cleaning of your blog. Every blogs needs to be free from all sorts of errors.
Thanks for dropping your thought on this, i appreciate the contribution.
Have a good week ahead.
Hello Baba,
What a nice post to keep our blog safe and clean. I have been using the brokenlink check from the day you posted about it. Since i am using the blogger platform, I am also using photoshop to help reduce the size of my blog images.
Thanks for dropping a helpful post. Do have a good weekend…
Hello Bello,
Indeed you are doing pretty good with the maintenance of your blog. Keep up the good work 😉
Thanks for dropping your comment on how to clean your blog, i appreciate the effort you took in commenting.
Have a beautiful week ahead.
Hi !
Dear if I can’t post daily it’s effects the SEO factor. I have just taken the startup as blogger. So I am confused about this, still I have 4 post on my blog. If I will write 3 article per week it is okay for search engine?
Take care.
Hello Junaid,
Posting consistently is greater and builds your SEO than just posting randomly.
Hey Babanature,
External broken links are really harmful for us and we should be conscious about that. Brokenlinkcheck is absolutely genius choice to take depth search analysis. Finding a solution for any WordPress problem is extremely easy. Usually in this scenario a user can access their WordPress admin area, their blog’s main page, but when accessing a single posts they get a 404 Not found error. Eventually, thanks for sharing these informative facts regarding this subject.
With best wishes,
Amar kumar
Hello Amar,
Your comment is valid and appreciated. Thanks and do have a beautiful week ahead…
hey dear thanks for this amazing tips, am really worried about my broken external links but now i can clean them with your help thank you so much for cleaning my blog.
Hello Junaid,
If you do not have enough blog posts or comments on your blog, there will be no need to carryout the broken links option.
Hey Babanature,
This is a great reminder to do some cleaning for the new year. I use backlinkchecker which is very convenient for means wp-optimizer.
As far as virus go, I use Sucuri for this. I pay 90.00 for their services. They helped me a lot when I had malware on my blog and was unable to log into it. It took them about 24 hours to clean it which is pretty fast.
Great share Babanature! Have a great week!
Hello Sherman,
Good to see that you are also taking good care of your blog the “right way”.
I haven’t tried Sucuri before but if it’s working for you, then it’s a good choice.
Have yourself an awesome weekend…
Please PM on Facebook.
I can see you are still alive, even though you might not be happy… and I was so worried about you becase of what you wrote in your last Facebook post.
So I checked your blog to see if you are replying to comments.
I would like to talk to you about something important.
Please PM me.
Hello dear friend, i am pretty doing good.
I will shoot you a mail soon. 😉
Hello Babanature,
This is the great post with simple steps.
and I glance another two posts. nice to read
Thanks for sharing
Good to know Suresha,
You would love more of the article here when you read more. 😉
Hello, Thank you for this article. It makes me realize that I need to take care of my site better. I just checked my site and I have like hundreds broken links. Anyway, Have a good day!
Good to know that you find this article good enough to comment.
Hope you have carried out all tips mentioned here to improve the performance of your blog?
Have a wonderful weekend start…
Hi Babanature,
What a time to remind us of the need to do a house clean up. The year is ending a couple of days from now.
Now is the best time to focus more on improving our blog health status to get more love both from our regular readers and search bot.
I do a regular checkup on installed plugins to see which is not necessary or needed anymore. Sometimes, we only need a tool for a certain event, and when the event is over…the tool become useless.
Most of us forget to delete this tool and it just only add to the numbers.
Thanks Babanature, nice share.
Hello Shansudeen,
Yeah, plugin cleanup is essential so as to broken links and website optimization…
Indeed, it will help our blog this coming year to rank good in search engines…
Have a blessed week 🙂
You are absolutely right about the points about broken links which will essentially result in loosing traffic.
I use ahrefs to check broken or 404 links.