I have been receiving a lot of mail lately from my friends and blog readers that reside in Nigeria asking, “How can we open a verified PayPal account in Nigeria”. So now I am showing you this so you can open yours without future hazards and suspension of you PayPal account.
So here Is a very simple trick on how to open, confirm and verify paypal account in Nigeria without paying anyone to do it for you. Before I go on with the guide, I will like to make a little introduction of the post title. Like a layman would say; Paypal is an online Bank Account, but looking at it in an Internet Marketers point of view; paypal is a payment processor. Paypal was developed by a South African and was later sold to an online popular shopping mall called e-bay. Most Bank in United States of American and other Advanced Countries are now transacting deals with paypal directly, one can simply move his cash to paypal in just a few clicks. Paypal is still owned and manage by Ebay. The most disappointing situation about paypal is that they restrict some countries from using their online payment service which includes Nigeria.
Nigerians have done so many researches with a lot of trial and errors, but today I can proudly tell you that we have come with a new tactics that can get you a PayPal account without your account been suspended.
Below are five(5) simple steps of Opening and verifying a paypal account in a non accepted country
Step #1: Since they are not accepting Nigeria, we are going to obtain a non Nigerian address.
NOTE: Please make sure you don’t us a USA name or alias to open your PayPal, if you must know the reason; it is risky for a Nigerian, because Paypal admin are not stupid, they will just check your Ip log and if by mistake they see Nigerian Ip address log there, they will simply put your account on how and will request your US SSN (State Security Number) which you cannot have unless you are in Us (that means your hard earn money will be seized).
Choose one of these African countries that are accepted by paypal, e.g I will encourage a Nigerian to choose a Country like South Africa or Benin (Niger republic). Getting a free South African or Niger Address is not that difficult to find, just search for South African or Niger republic Yellow page in Google and take any of the address there.
Note: these address you are using is not important to the paypal company because they are not doing anything with it.
Step # 2: We are going to use an online proxy for privacy and anonymity, Find any proxy sites or any trusted tunneler, it is what we are going to be using from now on to logon to paypal website.
I’ll simply suggest one of the most trusted VPN around which is called your-freedom or you can use any proxy site you trust or search for proxy directory via Google.
Note: If you are using any online proxies be cautious because they have many security issues so I will advise you again to use with caution.
Step # 3: Now that you have the address and proxy site you want to use, Go to PayPal by typing the website address in the address space provided by the proxy website. If you are using your-freedom, just put the address on the address bar of the browser you’re using.
It will redirect you to PayPal but only PayPal admin will be seeing you as a US visitor
Click Sign Up and fill the form using the address you got from the yellow page and also use your active e-mail address.
Step # 4: After filling these online forms, PayPal will tell you to confirm your registration via your registered e-mail, simply login to the e-mail address you provide and click the confirmation link and see your account confirmed!
Congratulations! You have successfully opened a new PayPal account!!!
Step # 5: This step is the verification step which is the main part. You know you need to verify your PayPal account with Visa credit card. To get your visa credit card go to Virtual-cc ,they are one of the best in crediting PayPal account verification and their card can also be used in verification of EBay account and Google AdWords account. After ordering the card (it cost about $8 as at this post) they will send your VCC number to your e-mail address you provided while registering. After receiving the number, go to the website and send the number and e-mail address you use in registration, they will send you your PayPal request code. PayPal will send a little money to your account to make sure it belongs to you.
You now have a verified PayPal Account. Welcome to the World of PayPal!!!
P.S. make sure the proxy you use is not the ones that dies easily and try use a vpn that is good like the above one mentioned.
If you are confused drop your comment below and I’ll answer your question for you and if you are still lazy to open it yourself, then use the contact form and I’ll open one for you (but it won’t be free)…
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Hi, thanks for the info. What if I open a paypal from any of the european contries e.g Iceland paypal account, do I still need to verify it? And I also want to know whether it is safe.
If you open a paypal account using any europian countries, you will still verify it. And after some time they will ask you to provide your SSN which you can never provide. I’ll advice you to use a Niger republic Alias so your money wont be seized.
thanks for the info. it was helpful. I would like you to do a post on paying survey sites, that pay by liberty reserve or other payment processors apart from paypal. Thanks
The paypal VCC actually cost $9.99 and not $8
Thanks for that update @Uche
I actually followed †̥ђe steps and it worked. ♍Ɣ question is, hope D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ won’t detect it and block it? Thanks…
After opening your paypal account, you should not always check your account like every time. just make it occasionally so it won’t be seized.
I like your post but i am having s6e difficulties.please can you help me to open it.please contact me at [email protected]
Which of the steps are you finding hard so i’ll put you through?
I am currently having problem with my vpn,where can i get a nokia E65 vpn.
E65 nokia does not have a vpn. you will only install your-freedom client in your pc and use it. you cannot follow this process with your phone, you’ll only use a system for the procedures.
Maybe you don’t E65 does have vpn.
Ok! but the best way is to perform the operation with your pc.
Wow! Great job Babs. I hope it works. I have two concerns though..
1. Is it possible for the proxy site managers to get hold of my paypal account through my info as it is thru their site?
2. How do I claim my money from paypal?
Thanks for the hopefully beneficial info.
Nice question Dr camil.
1. your-freedom vpn is a secured connection that gives you total privacy and anonymity. it’s impossible for the management to get hold of your information.
2. you can always use your virtual-cc to collect your money “if there is any”
Babanature,i have done everything you asked me to do but when i want to sign up,it says that i should put a valid zip code,i use as many zip codes(china) as possible but same thing happen.all i want you to do for me is just to help me to sign up in the first place i will then verify it myself.please help me.
@Abdusalam, be honest, did you use a pc when performing the registration? why not try and use an african address like benin or a south african address and zip code? please carefully fill the form bro…
How can i get credit card
Hello mark, did you read the post carefully? you can get a credit card at virtual-cc. please do read the pos. thanks
@babatunde pls how do I buy †ЂΞ virtual cc. Am I paying directly to †ЂΞ bank or ђã† pls.
Hello Sholey,
You can buy the virtual credit card with liberty reserve. You can also go to their site for more info
Do I need to pay for your freedom before I can use it? If yes how can I pay for it.
Nope! you can use the free version of your-freedom and it will work well.
how do i get the free version of your-freedom. i got to the site but cant locate the free version software pls help.
go to your-freedom website and click download and there you can download the software
How can you pay in $8 to virtual cc . I mean how can you deposite your money
Hello Mark,
you can deposit your money using liberty reserve
Pls I have open †ЂΞ liberty reserve but I don’t know how to fund it
you will need to fund your liberty reserve through their credited agents which is listed in their site
Good job bro, am in south africa, and you said people must use vpn before performing the paypal registration, are u going to use usa ip or the country you are ip.
Hello Clivert,
The only time when it’s a must to use a vpn, is if you’re in a country where paypal is not accepted. but in your case you do not need it. or do you?
Pls How we i get my money in my nigeria bank account with paypal,and in a case which i have already put nigeria as a country in my websit for d online biz am doing what am i going to do or it has nothing to do with it.
Have you verified the paypal account successfully? if yes! you can use payoneer debit master card to withdraw your money from your paypal account.
I have a UBA visa card, can I use it instead of vitual-cc you recommended?
UBA Africa uses a Nigerian Affiliate so it wont work. they’ll discover and ban you immediately
Cn i withdraw from my paypal acct usin VCC to my NIGERIA BANK ACCOUNT
Nope… but you can use your payonerr master card to withdraw from your paypal account and cash the money from any bank ATM
Cn u pls explain more on that,how i cn use my nigeria master card to withdrawal frm paypal
Payonerr master card is not a Nigeria master card. the card is from the united state of America. once they issue you the card, they’ll give you a us base bank account to carryout any online transaction.
Can you help me out to create one paypal account for the amount of #1,500. because my phone can’t get access to everythings needed to configure your-freedom account besides i don’t it. it just be as if u guy is doing magic in my eyes. PLEASE do it with that amount I’m a Secondary school student have never been doing job and I need that account(paypal) to create my personal website and others set of things online. I will be glad if, u help me out with that token. THANKS!
Hello Chris,
If you want to open a personal website, you do not need paypal to do it. You can use naija naira master card either UBA or GTbank.
but if you need to open a paypal account, 1,500 just wont be enough.
how can i fund my paypal
you can fund your paypal in different. you can fund your paypal through another paypal or through your affiliate network
for example, if i open the paypal with niger address.can i buy something from ebay and send it to an address of my friend in d US?
sure! you can do that. or you can even withdraw the money directly and spend it in Nigeria
tanks bro, i really appreciate that.can u pls shed more light on the direct withdrawal from paypal to Nigeria account.
First you will need to get a payoneer master card after the card have been shipped to you, the rest of the process is self explanatory.
Pls babanature I have opened a paypal but anytime when I want to buy somethin am asked to provide a credit card,nd if I provide my nigeria atm card it won’t work
Paypal is different from credit card. If you want to shop online using a master card, you will have to go to UBA bank and apply for Africard… you can use Africard to shop online without stress.
Owk,but should I used as my credit card?
If you are using Africard, you can use it as your credit card
10x,But I find it difficult to verified my paypal account coz I have open a liberty service nd I don’t knw hw to buy the virtual credit card
I have posted how to buy the vcc there. Use a pc to navigate the VCC site bro.
Owk 10x alot but after I verified it, can I used it to buy SM credits?
Can u pls help me get the vcc coz I have opened a liberty account nd my accont is 0.00 when I try to buy the vcc it is not working coz I have money in my account
fund your liberty reserve to make it work, if you need my service on this “which will cost you” then use my contact form to do business with me. Aside that the step i provided is the perfect step to open a paypal account. if you can’t fund your LR how can you buy the VCC?
Pls Help me nd explain more on hw to found my LR
everything you need to know is already in the LR site
I just want u to help nd tel me where nd where should I click to found my LR if I logged in pls
10x for the help babanature I have successfully open it remaining the last stage, pls how can I supply the 4 digit number given to me in dis form (XXXX)
Pls babanature help me through pls…………….
Hey bro,
Your four digit can be trace at the back of your credit card and if you have successfully bought the VCC, they will give you your four digits. Please outsource. This things you asked me can be easily done by you.
10x a lot babanature am through. Now pls how can I make money with nd send the money to my papal account ?
i have not done business with them so i wouldn’t know
Ok, but can u help and teach me the one you know please……
Hello Abdull,
If you’re trying to venture in to business go to my “my online money” and pick a choice there.
P.S. I will not be accepting your post if your email is not gravatar enabled. so please go get your email a gravatar
do anyone know reliable drop in USA or anywhere that ship worldwide?
now that liberty reserv is no more how do then buy a virtual cc
you can use payoneer MasterCard or you can also use your native MasterCard…
bro what do u mean by native master card nd how can use it pls
You native mastercard means your GTB mastercard, or your UBA africard
please can i use my acces bank visa card to verify paypal? Cus the vcc site nt opening. It is writin “under maintenance”
please help me
No you can’t. Because your Nigerian card has been registered with a Nigerian log
Pls bro wat of the aspect where you are to put phone number am i to post my present phone number or what? Pls help
The Place you collected the name, there will be a phone number as well
Nice post bro!
I’ve open an unverified paypal acc. & i have difficulties verifying it. Pls help me answer som useful questions:
1. Is ur-freedom stil working? If yes, pls help me with exact configuration settings you’re using cus i’ve tried everything possible bt mine wil not open.
2. What is VCC website & how can apply for payoneer master card; for how much & how long wil it arrive?
3. What are the steps to folo while using payoneer card to withdraw from ATM as screen display may be different?
4. Paypal told me on thier site that i can reguest a check to withdraw my money; how possible can i receive a paypal check in Nigeria or link my local bank acc to paypal for easy transfer?
5. Is it possible to open & operate US bank acc like GTB, UBA, ECO, etc while in nigeria; how do i get started?
Pls u can reply via my mail address if u won’t mind…tnx.
Hello Daniel,
You have a lot of question here but i will answer them to my best of knowledge :).
1. your-freedom is working fine without any problem. as long as you have data bundle, it will connect… If you read the post carefully, you will see a link on how to configure your-freedom client.
2. VCC means vatual credit card, it is the only credit card you can use to verify your paypal for countries that are not eligible. You can apply for payoneer master card by going to their website.
3. All ATM cards can work on all ATM machines. As long as your ATM machine has mastercard logo it will work with it.
4. You are from Nigeria and you’re not eligible to apply for paypal. so it is impossible to collect check from them let alone cash. That’s why we use different address and ip so they won’t seize our cash when we transact with them.
5. Once you have a payoneer mastercard, you will be issued a US bank account that you can use with your payoneer mastercard.
Hope i answered your questions? Any more questions, do not hesitate to ask… 🙂
Ok thanks for your response.
1. If VCC is the only card to verify paypal, where else can we order it cause liberty reserve is not functioning again. I’ve been there and can’t locate any sign up or order card link; can’t payoneer card do the job?
2. As i said, i’ve tried everything possible to configure ur freedom; diff proxy addresses and ports, but to no avail, even uring wizard tells me “found no way to connect”, or do i need a specific version for window7? Or can you use error messages to identify where the issue is so i can send u some that i get while trying to connect with diff proxy & port?
3. Pls let do privately via mail; how much wil u charge me for verifying my paypal, or give me a new one? This paypal issue realy hinder me from good online opportunities.
Yes, you can use PM to buy the VCC or you can use the payoneer master card as well.
The reason the your-freedom is not working for you, is because you do not have money in your modem. Try to subscribe and it will work.
My e-mail is open, you can always reach me via my contact page.
Pls what is PM as mention in ur response? Thanks
PM means perfect money
if you open a paypal account in benin, how can you fund it or put money inside, when you can only send but not receive. its very confusing, opening a new paypal account, you will have $0 in it.
You can receive your money from paypal through Payoneer mastercard
Can’t i use payoneer card to very my paypal instead of VCC
can I use android phone to download your freedom software
and I want to do survey, were can I get free US address
Please can I link the US bank account given to me by payoneer to my BENIN paypal account or is it Payoneer master card I can link to it.
Yes Tope, you can link your payoneer to your paypal account. And that will make you withdraw money without any problem. The only thing you can’t do is to fund your paypal with payoneer
Can i use my payoneer mastercard issued by US bank to verify paypal account opened with another country eg Niger, Benin, U.A.E etc??
Is opening a USA paypal account easy and what are the requirement for opening a USA paypal account
if i have a non USA paypal account and joined a survey site where only US residents are allowed and where only paypal is their method of payment, will my non USA paypal account be useful?
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks and God bless
I have unverified US Paypal Business Account. How do I verify the Paypal? Can I buy to verify it?
Now that Paypal service is now in Nigeria, some Nigerians might be tempted to channel their PayPal account opened as described in this great post to Nigeria users.
Paypal users should take caution and run their formal account the way it was. If there is a need for now, they can register another Paypal account as eligible Nigeria resident.
PayPal accepting Nigeria with service limitation. That limitation is a great barrier for Nigeria merchants who want to receive Paypal payment from their sites.
The post here is still evergreen and highly essential. Don’t ignore.
Hey bro thanks for the info.I want to know a number of website that accepts uba africard when shopping?thanks.
Do you think it would be a good idea to buy a vcc from Auction Essistance to verify my PayPal if I cannot get my own card?
Now, PayPal is everywhere, you don’t need a virtual card anymore. Just use your local ATM card or your local MasterCard. it will work beautifully.
Nice tips babanature on how to get PayPal in Nigeria, am impressed with your write up.
i will use the tips in this article to get a nigeria paypal account for my blog paul jumbo blog
Has anyone tried using Auction Essistance for helping them open up a PayPal account?
Hi. Great job here. Someone opened a US PayPal for me n i was able to link my payoneer account to it, but my joy didn’t last long cos after some months, it got detected, how? I don’t know.
Can u get me a verifiable PayPal account pls?
As far as I know PayPal is available now on Nigeria.